I don't remember it. I don't really remember that day, or the day before apparently. But I seem to have gone on the michaux ride, and crashed somewhere in the morning.
I remember a kind face, I remember a loud thumping sound. I remember darkness. Lots of confusion. Occasionally loud voices.
Apparently I was medivacked out by helicopter to Hershey shock trauma. From what I've been told, I crashed somewhere, no one saw it. Some people stopped but isaid I was fine, so they left. A nurse was riding, stopped, and realized I wa not fine, and started the procedures.
It sorta seems I swan dived onto a big rock. Supposedly I said I hit a log.
Severe concussion and several broken ribs high and low on my left side. My neck hurts. There's a bruise on the back of my left thigh, and my left shoulder is sore.
That's enough. I'm going back to sleep. I thought I'd rite more. Later I guess.
I am sometimes ashamed to be a nurse, but then sometimes our meddling ways are good for something. Best wishes on your full recovery.
foxtrapper wrote: But I seem to have gone on a moustache ride, and crashed somewhere in the morning.
Rephrased that for you Stop taking X!
Seriously though... when you figure out what really happened let us know. Glad you are well enough to type. Good luck and best wishes for a speedy recovery.
damn bud, thats a scary story...really hope your recovery is swift. I too would like to hear more when youre up to it. Take it easy and heal up!
Damn. I woke up a little while ago. I felt good. I thought I'd pay the bils. I think I got it right . But I sopped. This is too confusing.
I'm just writing here as a diary or something. I'm not sure why.
Note to self. Security on the smart phone to keep out nosy cops meand no one Elsa can find your contacts. That's not good. It was hors before my wife found out I'd crashed and was at the hospital.
Funny how the fog swirls. Just a few minutes ago I was ready for another nap, and confused again. Now I'm clear, or at least think I am.
Tears are strange. They have little or nothing to do with how I feel. They just come and go on their own.
Wow... Sorry for the ride gone wrong, and I hope you return to normalcy ASAP. Sounds like it was a doozy, and I'm glad you're here to write about it!
EDIT: you posted the second time while I was typing... Take it very easy, and err on the side of caution with regards to letting the folks who're looking after you know how you're doing. Sounds like you took a hell of a thump.
In reply to foxtrapper:
Please tell me you are continuing to seek professional medical care! It sounds like you have a TBI...
You know its AUG 14th and not April 1st right?
Get some rest let your head relax and the swelling go down. have someone watch you 24x7 if you can.
Take care.
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