Hi. I have a 1980 honda XL250. I'm an idiot and i had the wheels off for a few months. during that time i managed to lose a spacer for the rear axle. it looks like a magician's top-hat with the top part missing. and it goes on the left side next to the sprocket if i remember correctly.
anyway my question is, does anyone know if i can use one from an XL350, or 500, or 185 etc.?? or anything else that will work?
thanks in advance.
Try checking the micro-fiche here:
I would guess the part numbers would be the same if they are compatible.
thank you! awesome link. exactly what i needed!
If you're using an XL350 as a parts bike, I will weep openly.
I had an XL350. IIRC the rear axle diameter is larger than the 250's. The 185 shares the 100/125/175 stuff.
Woody wrote:
If you're using an XL350 as a parts bike, I will weep openly.
don't worry. i don't have a parts bike. i was just looking on ebay for the spacer i needed and wanted to see if i could broaden my search to include other similar bikes. i found the spacer anyway though. so thats one thing out of the way...