was that the one from the craigslist ad?
That is a very cool bike - 
Yep. It is very clean and has been well maintained, and sounds fantastic 
That looks like a nice bike. Now, does it fit your 500 mile days? Regardless, congrats.
Gorgeous ride. Please keep us updated on the owner experience.
Dr. Hess wrote:
That looks like a nice bike. Now, does it fit your 500 mile days? Regardless, congrats.
It would be fine for 400 or so mile days if I changed to some more upright bars from the clipons it currently has. I realized that my plans of long trips will be few and far between so this bike will be fine for 98% of my riding.
Time for metallic green accents on the Miata! 
Haha, maybe I could paint my spare hood the metallic green color.
8/10/11 3:29 p.m.
Excellent choice. There's something deeply sexy about Guzzi motors. I'm going to have to own one soon.
Keep us updated on real world ownership.
8/10/11 11:18 p.m.
Very nice score! Enjoy it and watch out for guys like these: