This game continues to be a great success, and I already have people signing up for this year's.
I'm a bit busier than normal with work and life (2-kids'll do that for ya) so I do have to keep a stricter time schedule this year. I'm thinking this year I'll take signups for the game until Friday the 16th. I'll create an excel spreadsheet (just like last year), pair people up, and get everyone out in one batch this year.
If you'd like to play this year simply PM me with:
your GRM name
real name
Your current address
Title the e-mail "GRM New Year Game". Please don't post your personal information in this thread. Also in your e-mail please note whether or not you' be willing to ship international (we have some members in Aussie land and some friendly neighbors to the north who would like to participate)
The rules:
"All names in by nightfall (PST) on Friday the 16th of December. You'll have your reply e-mail no later than the end of the day on Monday the 19th.
Something "laying around the garage" will again be the norm (offerings to the gods of speed, random car parts, garage reading material, war trophies, etc). You can deviate from this by buying something strictly for the game but you do so at your own risk.
If you can, please mail your item before Christmas. There is no real deadline as I understand that it is a busy time of year for everyone, but still be considerate of your giftee.
Your item must fit in a flat rate box (size of your choosing).
Since we're doing the lists and giftings in batches this year I think we can all post pics to THIS thread. (mandatory please, it's more fun when other participants get to share your excitement).
There is no punishment for signing up and not participating. But I do have a non-participant list running from last year (these are people who received, but did not gift). If you're on the naughty list I'm afraid you won't be allowed to participate this time without some sort of... well, we can work something out. Just contact me for details or to check if you're on the list.
Let's see, did I forget anything?
Oh, yahoo mail subscribers tend to have trouble with the PM system. Try "willgrow" and the number three at (all one blurb) for more reliable message delivery if you're a yahoo user.
WonkoTheSane wrote: In for the first time. Let's see how this goes.
Same here. I'm looking forward to it!
WonkoTheSane wrote: In for the first time. Let's see how this goes.
Same here. Looking forward to dumping some stuff off on you suckers
I've always wanted to try some scrap part art, maybe I should fire up the welder.
Who am I kidding, I don't have time for that.. You suckers are getting junk dumped on you.
Stickied for posterity. And I'm in.
If it's like most stuff in my shop, any actual coolness of the item is massively offset by the layers of parrot poo. Congratulations.
Does anyone happen to have a good picture from last year of them putting their stuff in a box, or the box that showed up? We'd like to put a news item up. Just post it in the thread and we'll steal it.
You'll need to log in to post.