In reply to Cousin_Eddie :
I too have done a 180, but in the opposite direction. I think I was a lot more nervous last week because, equipment wise, our department was ridiculously under prepared. A lot of our supplies were apparently stolen.
Actually going about my work day is still very, very stressful, but it seems to have helped me relax a little to actually be doing it, rather than just worrying about it. But 70% of our calls are for medical emergencies and people are afraid to go to the hospital, so call volume has dropped. People are afraid to go to the hospital. And maybe they're afraid to come into contact with First Responders.
We don't have our own ambulances, so we are a step removed from that part of it, so once a patient is loaded up, we are done.
I work 24 hour shifts and when I'm done the next morning, I feel like I have advanced to the Next Round.
Mrs. DX has switched to working from home for the time being and has cabin fever by the time I get home from work. My place of work is still chugging along business as usual but depends what the gov of NJ decides to shut down. Our church has 5 campuses and is broadcasting services from the main campus for the time being. Going to the store to me doesn't seem any more weird except with masks, gloves and people trying to stay a little more away from one another. I think we will get through this. It will just take everybody adhering to all the requests that are being put out there and everybody doing their part..
Also, as someone who is able to continue to earn a paycheck, I feel more of an obligation to support the small businesses around us. I'll order takeout from the little place across from the firehouse instead of cooking something, I bought a gift card from the bike shop and I bought a cup of coffee and some donuts on the way home instead of just waiting to use the Keurig. Those people are all really scared, and I feel like we need to help them keep the lights on until things, hopefully, get back to normal.
3/21/20 10:27 a.m.
Governor mandated that I close my office except for ER care until April 14th. At least. Kids school delayed until April 17th, if they go back this semester at all. I'm still recovering from ankle surgery and have very limited mobility. Can't occupy myself in the garage for instance.
Employees getting paid until the end of the month, then on unemployment, except my front desk staff, who are sharing 1 position. If the state shuts me down for an extended period of time I'll have to cut their hours even more.
When I do finally get to reopen, not sure what I'll be opening back to and how many staff I'll need.
Luckily my wife's business is considered essential, at least for now, so she's open and making some money.
I am required to work since it's an essential business so unless I get sick myself or my kids gets it then I have to get a note showing the testing being positive as it. of the Coronavirus. Otherwise it's a firing offense for not going to work for any other reason. So yeah, I still got a job to go to but I am putting myself and my kids at risk everyday. Work is NOT really doing anything to keep us safe. The "extra" cleaning they claim to be doing is a lie and everyone knows it. It's up to me to try and be vigilant to protect myself with what I can.
side note, I finally got TP for the first time in 2 weeks this morning. That made me happy for a change. Unbelievable that it's toilet paper that has brighten my day today. My kids were so excited too. It's pretty funny. It's was great to get that small moment of joy.
It's been fairly normal for me, living in small town Ohio I hang out with the same 4-5 people normally. I deliver parts and had a cold last week so I didn't work because they didn't want me scaring customers. The biggest change was the mri for my spine yesterday was at a hospital in a larger city and it's on lockdown. No visitors, only the main doors open for entrance etc. my family is pretty well prepared and my wife's chrones disease has been in remission over 2 years so she's off immunosuppressant meds.
a few of my friends that still live in Hagerstown are worried because of population density.
The Illinois announcement came at 3pm and our branch manager told the office at 4:15pm that we're critical so we'll be open on Monday.
With all this uncertainty everyone freaked and fought back. Profits over people was mumbled and I'm sure everyone is convinced by not staying home we are all guaranteed to get sick. People left stating they'll work for home but have no direction or instructions on how to log on at home.
We have chronic absenteeism already so we will see who shows up on Monday.
First off, thoughts and prayers to everyone. Be smart, and be safe.
Life for us has changed a little. We now have our teenage grandson living with us. Luckily, being retired, is a bonus. Our incomes are secure, (barring a catastrophic economic collapse :) We live on about 25 acres, in rural NY. Nearest neighbor is a long walk, or short drive. The fact that we prepare for problems was more for snow/weather related occurrences,than a virus. So we were stocked up, so to speak.
But..... My wife is a little twisted with worry. Our son is FDNY, his wife is a 911/radio operator. And our daughter is a nurse. So the stress level is up for her.
Time to hunker down, and get my lazy arse finishing some projects around here. Godspeed to all!
I imagine this is what terminal illness feels like.
In reply to Sine_Qua_Non :
Since we too will be open on Monday our extra cleaning statement by our CEO is a freaking joke. We are the same as your office/job.
We got a 6 page PowerPoint showing what is being done and how to be safe. To me this is all CYA by the company. No mention of extra sick days or extra pay to those $15/hour shop guys.
3/21/20 12:02 p.m.
I don't know, maybe I'm stupid and in denial, but I still feel like this is going to peter out after some real inconvenience to everybody, and some real economic pain, but on the global scale, not many deaths.
I freely admit I am speaking from the privilege of being able to survive a month without income. But I am just not buying the "millions dead" stuff I keep seeing.
I'm fairly new to this job so I was a little surprised to find out that we are considered essential. I didn't know that we make more than half of all the sugar and flour bags in North America.
The company has been quite good, though. We had meetings that covered everything fairly well and they told us that if we feel sick or think we're getting sick do not even think about coming to work. The insurance carrier has said they will give us short term disability with no doctor's notes and no questions asked, and the government has waived the waiting period for employment insurance, so we're fortunate to be covered either way.
In reply to BoostedBrandon :
Does wifey have phone numbers for customers? Because traveling hair and nail service could make a berkeleying mint in these times. Husbands be like "if it makes mama happy, it's worth $$$."
I just got this email along with a $10 off coupon 
In reply to AngryCorvair :
My friend posted a comment along the lines of, "In another three weeks, we'll know what everyone's real hair color is".
Woody said:
In reply to Cousin_Eddie :
I too have done a 180, but in the opposite direction. I think I was a lot more nervous last week because, equipment wise, our department was ridiculously under prepared. A lot of our supplies were apparently stolen.
Actually going about my work day is still very, very stressful, but it seems to have helped me relax a little to actually be doing it, rather than just worrying about it. But 70% of our calls are for medical emergencies and people are afraid to go to the hospital, so call volume has dropped. People are afraid to go to the hospital. And maybe they're afraid to come into contact with First Responders.
We don't have our own ambulances, so we are a step removed from that part of it, so once a patient is loaded up, we are done.
I work 24 hour shifts and when I'm done the next morning, I feel like I have advanced to the Next Round.
Woody and Cousin_Eddie, thank you for what you do, seriously, thank you!
In reply to AngryCorvair :
Yes, almost all of her clientele is appointment only, some of which she's had for many years.
However, the Cosmetology board has warned get sternly against people doing it during this shut down. Threatening to revoke licenses, and she was supposed to begin her instructor courses Monday.
There's no way to practice 'social distancing' while doing hair. It's just not worth the risk.
Ian F
3/21/20 8:36 p.m.
Woody said:
In reply to AngryCorvair :
My friend posted a comment along the lines of, "In another three weeks, we'll know what everyone's real hair color is".
I'm going to need to order a hair trimmer. I was planning to get a hair cut this past week. Now I need one...
We're hunkered down at home, only going out for groceries when needed. BUT, both of my sons have co-workers who have been exposed to people who have tested positive. That's getting too close for me to be calm about. Their respective workplaces have shut down and they're both working from their homes. One expects a layoff notice Monday. With confirmed cases jumping 25-30% daily we'll all know someone affected very soon I fear.
Ian F said:
Woody said:
In reply to AngryCorvair :
My friend posted a comment along the lines of, "In another three weeks, we'll know what everyone's real hair color is".
I'm going to need to order a hair trimmer. I was planning to get a hair cut this past week. Now I need one...
I got my hair cut last week and I jokingly said, "I wanted to get in here before the haircut ban goes into effect!"
Now we have a haircut ban. I've got about six weeks until I start shaving my head.
Woody said:
In reply to AngryCorvair :
My friend posted a comment along the lines of, "In another three weeks, we'll know what everyone's real hair color is".
Ha! SWMBO has bought dye & had my daughter dye it today, I guess she's better prepared than I realized.
In reply to Ian F :
Mine is way more gray than I thought (I usually shave it but I've been letting it grow). Also I have one of those Remington head shavers, I like it quite a bit. If that's what you're looking for.
I have always cut my own hair, I'll be fine there.
3/22/20 9:47 a.m.
My surreal is that nothing has changed, and I am waiting for it.
My company says business as usual. I still travel 5 hours to the job site.
But it's coming...
Definitely surreal. And my hypochondria tendencies are flaring up. Every cough or tickle has me wondering if I'm about to come down with something. AFAIK I'm still totally fine, but I feel fatalistic enough that if/when I get it, it'll just be my turn.