Normally, it should be frosty windows.
Not complaining too much, but wondering how bad this winter will be.
Any other snow-belters have any thoughts?
I had to turn the ac on last night. Weird. Wearing shorts to work mid October is also weird, as is the fact that the indians have played 4 playoff home games and not had snow yet during one
Detroit area, I haven't turned on the heat yet. Last week had a couple chilly nights but now it feels like spring. I don't mind. We haven't had to run the ac or heat for 3 weeks straight, saving those $$
68 Outside Pittsburgh, with an expected high of 83. Last week I was getting ready to turn on the pellet stove it was so cold.
Not looking forward to February at this rate.
I have a feeling it's gonna be a snowy one up there. Been a few years since the midwest got good and clobbered, and with all the late season hurricanes throwing moisture and back spinning storms all over, its gonna prime the center bits for a good snowing once it finally gets cold and the pressure drops.
Weird weather, 46 when I left my house Saturday morning at 6am. It was 76 when I got home at 8:15pm. That's jacked up!
As long as I continue to have these amazing sunrises and sunsets at the farm I don't care what the temperature is! These partial cover skies make for an amazing horizon!
We had to turn the AC on to take care of the humidity in the house last night. Fan wasn't cutting it.
I'm not a fan. I want cold. On the other hand, I also still have not bought a snow blower. I need to get on that and fast.
Supposed to be a dryish' winter in SoCal, wetter then normal in NorCal (where all our water comes from anyway). It was cool and rainy recently (somewhat strange for this time of year) but will blast back up to heat in the next few days.
Weather... good luck predicting it...
Still driving the Miata, so I'm happy. Just hoping the weather holds until the first weekend in November so we can get our season ender in.
What did it get up to today?
It was 77 when I left for work at 6:30 this morning, was 95 on my way home.
Seems like 20-30 daily temperature swings are normal here.
Makes me a bit sad i pulled my car off the road for the winter already! Its been pretty awesome with these nice 70-80 degree days in ohio.
patgizz wrote: I had to turn the ac on last night. Weird. Wearing shorts to work mid October is also weird, as is the fact that the indians have played 4 playoff games
92 Degrees in Austin, Tx today. Luckily there's a cold front coming so mid 70's and low humidity tomorrow.
Wayslow wrote: It's currently 7:25pm and 85F. That's just wrong for October 18 in southern Ontario.
E36 M3, yall are warmer than orlando right now.
Fueled by Caffeine wrote: Can it just get cold already and kill the plants? My allergies are on overdrive.
Side effect of the verdant foliage and proliferation of nature where you are now.
38 when I left for work, 67 when I got to the office, They say high 80s today and almost 100* by the weekend in the city, Cooler at the house.
Living north of Grand Rapids now (at Ferris State), had the windows down the majority of the week. Was going to take the Z06 back down to Detroit and put it into storage. Figured at this rate, I can get another month out of it (at least).
The rain, on the other hand, has been brutal. Almost got stuck in my own driveway. It's gravel, but was completely washed out by the recent deluge that has dropped on us.
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