I really don't scare easily (well I startle easily but that's not the same as scared) so when I ran across a rare, truly scary story I thought I'd share it. From an old thread on SomethingAwful forums:
TurboBitch said:
I've never been one to believe in ghosts or aliens or much supernatural doohickies. Frankly there's enough real world weird poo poo going on that I've never felt the need to assign meaning to random events but I lived in one apartment complex that really challenged that.
I went to college in a well known downtown Chicago art school but due to the very high costs of living downtown I ended up living at the rear end end of the blue line out by the airport(the Cumberland stop.) This gigantic, seriously several hundred apartments spread over 7 connected buildings) was actually a ghetto-fied student housing situation where we were given three roommates and 2 bedrooms and told to figure poo poo out. My now fiance was also living in another wing of this ginormous apartment complex however he had gotten much luckier and he had 3 bedrooms for 5 guys. My fiance's roommate at the time was named Scott.
Scott was a bit of a pothead but a pretty stand up guy overall. Generally dependable and not really given to creativity. At the time of the story none of the other roommates were in town - it was spring break so it was just me, my fiance and Scott in this 2 floor giant penthouse apartment. The apartment had entrances on both the lower floor(on the 15th floor) and on the upper floor(16th floor) in a 16 floor building.
Scott worked downtown until closing and generally got home about 11PM. He got off the train, walked to the apartment building and got into one of the elevators with 2 other gentlemen who pressed the 5th floor button while he pressed the 16th floor button. They got off the elevator at floor 5 and he was alone in the elevator. A moment later he felt as though someone else was in the elevator with him so he turns around and there's this chick standing in the corner. He described her to us as be facially proportioned like an African American woman(teen anyway) but all pale... not white, just albino-ish.
Now Scott was, as I said, a pretty stand up guy he also loved the ladies so he starts chatting with her. Or, rather, at her. He laughs, mentions how he didn't see her get on the elevator, asks her her name, what floor she lives on, what button he can push for her, etc...
She doesn't say a word and she won't look at him so he starts to get a tiny bit freaked out because, remember, he didn't see her get on the elevator with him. Because of this he decides to get off on the 15th floor instead of the 16th floor and so he pushed the button and rides the rest of the way up in silence. At floor 15 he gets out by himself and the door closes and he checks and sees that he is all alone in the hallway(for reference our apartment was at the very end of the hallway). Not even a moment later he gets that feeling again, that someone is behind him. Turning around he sees the same girl who most definitely did not get off the elevator with him. At this point he is definitely freaked out but still being the ladies man that he is he jokes about living on the same floor as her and asks if there's something she needs.
She finally looks at him and her eyes are solid black bulges and there's an unearthly noise as she goes for his throat with needle like teeth. He does what any red blooded American would do, he drops a steaming load in his pants and books it for the door at the end of the hallway. This is the part of the story where my Fiance and myself come in.
We had heard the noise but just ignored it as 'not our problem' and we getting back to some heavy petting when we hear Scott's freaking out at the door begging us to let him in as he scrambled for his keys. We let him in and he slams the door behind him and tells us "Dudes I just got chased by a monster!" Obviously we laugh and start making fun of him all the while checking out in the hallway. There is nothing there.
As we start to give him hell though SOMETHING hits the door and just start beating on it. These are massive solid doors and it's shaking fit to come off of it's hinges but there is nothing outside the door to be doing it.
I could leave it be if not for the fact that every so often at around 11:30PM it would happen. It would sound like something hit the door and then started beating on it. Going down to the bar in the building's lobby and telling some folks(much later) about the event had other residents and security guards telling how they had seen this strange pale woman walking the halls.
That is how fear is done, Hollywood 
Oh E36 M3 there's more:
TurboBitch said:
You know now it seems fakey and clouded, like nothing like that could ever freakign happen. But all I can say is it did, it sounds like a fake b-rated horror movie but it happened and weird poo poo like that continued to happen in that apartment until we left. It happened. I don't do drugs, I don't drink heavily... It happened.
Like when my Fiance's best friend came and stayed with us over summer break. It's him and us in the apartment, no one else. My fiance and I slept downstairs in the bedroom and did not wake up AT ALL the entire night(I am a light sleeper so my fiance would have woken me up by moving and I certainly didn't do it nor did I hear anything happen that night.) Our friend slept upstairs on the couch in the living room.
When he woke up every single goddamn chair in the apartment was in a circle around him. Even the ones that were in the roommate's locked rooms(which were still locked). Maybe he did it but the next time he came to visit he slept on the couch once again. This time I did wake up.. to him screaming bloody murder. My fiance and I run upstairs to find him screaming about how something was going to kill him with a cleaver.
The cleaver was stuck into the floor next to him. I say 'the cleaver' but actually I was MY cleaver that was in my locked work knife kit in the closet in the bedroom with us. Our friend eventually told us the story that he had woken up to a sound and above him some shadowy form stood with the cleaver above his head ready to strike.
Maybe he faked it, I don't really know for sure. But I do know that he slept out in his car for the rest of his week long visit and refused to come into the apartment at all ever again.
Never had anything weird happen anywhere else. Though the hairs on my neck are raised just typing this, I really don't expect anything like this to happen again. But I certainly would never live in those apartments again. gently caress that. Seriously gently caress that sideways.
And it happened, for real, in these apartments.
Yes that link is still good 
Ah yes, that is a good one.
I also have a good ghost story for ya.
When I was younger my mom and I went to visit my uncle in West Virginia. He lived in an older colonial house down a dirt road with a nice pond out front. This was my first visit to his house and I knew nothing of it's history.
Shortly after we arrive my uncle suggests that my cousin take me out for a short paddle around the pond on the little two seater john boat. Not being one to turn down an adventure I am happy to head out, although my cousin, who is older and not even remotely interested in rowing his relative around the pond, seemed less interested. He obliged and we started out. It was not a big pond at all, but right about the time we got to the middle of it I really started to freak out. I am not scared of water at all but nevertheless I had a panic attack out there on the water. I felt cold and strange. I begged my cousin to take me back. He seemed worried that he was somehow going to get in trouble but he took me back and I just said that I had to pee so he was not in trouble.
Later that evening we were all sitting around playing a board game and this time I really did have to pee. I left the sitting room to go upstairs to the bathroom. The stairs in this house went up halfway to a landing where you would turn around and climb the rest of the way to the second floor. When I got to the landing I felt cold again. It was dark upstairs but there was light coming from the sitting room and the hallway downstairs so I could see fine. I turned around slowly and saw the figure of a young woman, hanging from a rope that was tied to the upstairs railing. She was wearing a beautiful ivory dress that looked like a wedding dress, and she had long brown hair. Her eyes were closed.
I must have let out a scream because everyone stirred in the other room. I ran to them and told them what I saw. My uncle turned very white and had to sit down. He did not believe in ghosts, but he knew the history of the house when he bought it. After a few minutes he told us the story too.
The house had been built for a young couple just after the civil war had ended. The young man had returned from war and asked the young woman to be his bride. On the day after their wedding he had gone out on the pond to catch some fish for dinner. It is unknown what exactly happened but he drowned in the pond. The young woman, having just lost her love after waiting to be together for so long, hanged herself in her wedding gown. The house sat empty for several decades afterward.
Holy berkeley guys, how am I going to sleep tonight!?
The juicy bits:
Not much apart from these things...but the fact that this isn't widely known only makes it worse IMO >_>
I have a decent story, not great but decent (I could tell them all day..BTW for your entertainment I'll point out that I'm related to these Chases, and so is one of the other guys I see regularly at Autocrosses. We're likely distant relatives but we haven't looked into it).
So it takes place back in ancient times when my dad was a baby
his crib was in the basement of the house. On one end of the basement was the stairs, and on the other end is an enclosed wine cellar. My grandmother was in the basement tending to my dad, and was just about to head up the stairs when a figure in a black hooded robe - my grandmother figured it was my grandpa playing a joke as it was around halloween and he was a joker - came down the stairs, walking slowly past my dad's crib which caused him to BAWL, and went into the wine cellar. My grandmother called out for him to stop fooling around. The answer came from UPSTAIRS at which point she grabbed my dad and ran upstairs. My grandfather came down expecting to face an intruder, but the wine cellar was empty. There was only one way in and out of the basement.
There are other stories of an uncle that lived in a house with a table that would move at night and a room where you could hear galloping noises. Even turning the table upside-down didn't stop it from moving. IIRC the story was it would never move if someone was watching. He burned it to make the noise stop.
I'm glad I have a few pitbulls to protect me tonight. 
I have seen some crazy stuff in Savannah, GA...there is a small house with a ghost that likes shiny things...
7/6/09 10:17 p.m.
Ted's Caving Diary
You will not thank me tomorrow.
damn that was a good story
Okay, first of all, berkeley all of you! It is now 3:30, and i am housesitting a huge house by myself! Not sleeping tonight...need to watch top gear to calm down!
maroon92 wrote:
Okay, first of all, berkeley all of you! It is now 3:30, and i am housesitting a huge house by myself! Not sleeping tonight...need to watch top gear to calm down!
And Hessmo was taken down. 
93celicaGT2 wrote:
maroon92 wrote:
Okay, first of all, berkeley all of you! It is now 3:30, and i am housesitting a huge house by myself! Not sleeping tonight...need to watch top gear to calm down!
And Hessmo was taken down.
It's not great, but Youtube has most of the new episodes.
I miss Hessmo. 
93celicaGT2 wrote:
maroon92 wrote:
Okay, first of all, berkeley all of you! It is now 3:30, and i am housesitting a huge house by myself! Not sleeping tonight...need to watch top gear to calm down!
And Hessmo was taken down.
So many episodes left unseen! 
7/7/09 7:12 a.m.
Their swear filter is almost as good as ours! "Gently caress that sideways." 
Duke wrote:
Their swear filter is almost as good as ours! "Gently caress that sideways."
I have to say, SA is one of the very few forums with a more entertaining word filter than GRM.
damn = drat
berkeley = gently caress
berkeleyed = hosed
berkeleying = loving
E36 M3 = poo poo
E36 M3ting = making GBS (general BS forum, their OT area) threads
rape = surprise sex
shiny happy person = stinkyhole
asshat = rear end in a top hat
There are many more, exploring the word filter is part of the fun. Apparently 4chan has the most elaborate, confusing and humorously unneccessary word filter of them all, but I've never been into the hellish core of the Internet.
BTW Tim I think GRM has the potential to best SA's word filter...there was a discussion about other word filters we could add a little while back 
4chan's isn't that bad.... it changes pretty much daily, but there's never a TON of words filtered. And to be honest, most of the time you THINK you're seeing a filter, it's just everyone else playing along with the OP.
"Hai guise! Your SS# filters to DESU DESU DESU DESU!! Try it!"
Their auto section "/O/" isn't bad at times. They have pretty great picture threads on occasion.
I think "ted's caving diary" freaked me out more because of the photos, and the descriptions...I am a massive claustrophobe...
maroon92 wrote:
I think "ted's caving diary" freaked me out more because of the photos, and the descriptions...I am a massive claustrophobe...
I'm not claustrophobic, but this pic freaked me out (despite the funny name). These guys have balls.
So did this one:
yup, there aint no way I am going into caves...that "squeeze" photo makes me consider the guys sanity.
7/7/09 1:42 p.m.
I just read the caving story. I want some closure, or I demand a refund!
Ted wrote:
Teds Caving Diary

we are all now dumber for having read that
big scary round rock monster attacks him, and he shoots it...he misses the monster, hits the wall, and the cave caves in...that is what he deserves for so blatantly disregarding natures way of telling you "YOU DON'T NEED TO BE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS 6 INCH HOLE!"
7/7/09 2:05 p.m.
alex wrote:
I just read the caving story. I want some closure, or I demand a refund!
I gave up on expecting closure as soon as I read the part about how the camera mysteriously wouldn't take any pictures in the room with the round rock. At that point it went from somewhat compelling tale to obvious fiction.