I know that this has been discussed before, but opinions seem to change like the flavor of the month.
I have been using SeachTempest ever since it was called Craig's Little Helper and it has been great until this week. Suddenly, it only works for about half the cities in my range.
What is the current, best Craigslist search engine?
In reply to Woody:
Hi, Nathan here - founder of SearchTempest. I lurk around this forum occasionally, answering questions about ST. This seemed like an important one to answer!
As you probably know, craigslist recently made a change to prevent our opening their results pages in frames, as we used to. Instead, we now get the results from a third party called 3taps. 3taps wasn't initially ready for all our traffic though, so there were some performance issues. Most of these have been resolved, but they do still crop up occasionally.
They actually just fixed a big one today, so if you give it another try, you may find it's now working well. If not, please give our new "Direct Results" mode a try. (Click the Direct Results tab on the results page.) It allows you to get results straight from craigslist, just like before, so you know nothing's missing. Just the format is a bit difference, since we can no longer use frames.
Hope that helps! Keep an eye on our blog for developments, particularly this post that explains the above in more detail: http://www.tempestblog.com/2012/05/19/recent-changes/
Ziink's Craigslist Helper was my favorite until it disappeared. Suspicion was that it had been served with a cease and desist from CL but no official word, it just disappeared.
Just recently, to my great joy, I learned that a version of it is up and running on Chrome only.
Link to the download:
Based on this new knowledge, I downloaded Chrome for this reason and this reason only.
I have search tempest open in another tab. Was just looking at 944's. Seemed there were less cities in the results than usual. Glad to hear it is being worked on.
If you have Apple IOS device try CraigsPro+. Has a neat feature of alerts, set what you are looking for the minute it is posted you get an alert.
Or if u Android check out craigsnotifica
Glad to hear searchtempest is working around Craigslist new issues... Bee. Using it seince it was Craigslist helper... Think I still use that still when I'm going to that link
autotempest is quite good.
If you've an andriod phone, the above mentioned craigslist notifica is good.
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