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Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker MegaDork
9/19/13 8:38 a.m.
Duke wrote: Disagree on the BJs. Only one thing I like better. But hey, that's what makes horse races.

It takes a brave man to admit Equestrian love on an internet forum.

N Sperlo
N Sperlo MegaDork
9/19/13 8:39 a.m.
wvumtnbkr wrote: Am I the only one that doesn't really enjoy BJs?

No, but I love having my balls licked.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker MegaDork
9/19/13 8:41 a.m.
N Sperlo wrote:
wvumtnbkr wrote: Am I the only one that doesn't really enjoy BJs?
No, but I love having my balls licked.

Duke PowerDork
9/19/13 8:45 a.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
Duke wrote: Disagree on the BJs. Only one thing I like better. But hey, that's what makes horse races.
It takes a brave man to admit Equestrian love on an internet forum.

I was going to make a sly comment about the size of the equipment, but A) it wouldn't be that funny, and B) it would be a lie.

Ashyukun GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
9/19/13 9:26 a.m.
4cylndrfury wrote:
wvumtnbkr wrote: Am I the only one that doesn't really enjoy BJs? Rob R.
i dont even know what to say to this

Honestly I'd say that it depends a LOT on how good/into it/cooperative the woman is- if she has no idea what she's doing (or doesn't pay attention and figure out what you're actually enjoying) it's far less enjoyable.

Or, put more simply:

Gasoline SuperDork
9/19/13 9:49 a.m.

"C" day.

I don't like Cantaloupe, Cheetos, or Candy Corn.

mazdeuce SuperDork
9/19/13 12:03 p.m.

Am I the only one who likes to ride the shopping carts in the parking lot? It was fun when I was 10, still fun now.

Ashyukun GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
9/19/13 12:12 p.m.
mazdeuce wrote: Am I the only one who likes to ride the shopping carts in the parking lot? It was fun when I was 10, still fun now.

Nope, still do it on occasion. The GF always shakes her head and laughs at it, so I expect I'll be doing it for a while yet (likely with a bit of a break if we eventually have a kid riding in the cart...).

eastsidemav Dork
9/19/13 12:48 p.m.
Chris_V wrote: Except obscure bands and music. Sometimes I get the distinct impression from some people here that the best song ever was never written, and never performed, by a band than never formed, by a singer/songwriter than was never born. That's the ONLY way it would be any good. 'Cause, you know, if people actually heard it and liked it, it must suck.


nervousdog HalfDork
9/19/13 1:25 p.m.
Gasoline wrote: "C" day. I don't like Cantaloupe...

You're not missing much. Honeydew's the money melon!

Am I the only one who works dialogue from "The Simpsons" into everyday conversations?

z31maniac UltimaDork
9/19/13 1:28 p.m.
nervousdog wrote:
Gasoline wrote: "C" day. I don't like Cantaloupe...
You're not missing much. Honeydew's the money melon! Am I the only one who works dialogue from "The Simpsons" into everyday conversations?


I haven't watched that show since the 90s and didn't watch it regularly then.

Although I find myself working in "The Big Lebowski" references.

Mazdax605 SuperDork
9/19/13 2:54 p.m.

Am I the only one that can't stand fantasy sports in general? I mean it seems like fun on the surface, but I hear all my buddies at hockey talking about fantasy football, and fantasy hockey, and it seems like they just bitch and complain about everything! It also seems like it changes the way they watch the sport. Like rooting for a player that may be on the opposite team that you really like, just so you can score some made up points in your stupid made up game. How about enjoying the game, and rooting for one team or the other? Peyton Manning doesn't give a E36 M3 about your fantasy team. None of these players do. I understand it is huge business, but you will never catch me playing fantasy sports.

Mazdax605 SuperDork
9/19/13 3:08 p.m.

Oh yeah I have another one..

Am I the only one who pretty much hates the whole Christmas season? I mean I like seeing my boys excited, but most of it sucks aside from A Charlie Brown Christmas. I love that show, and so do my boys. I can listen to the soundtrack at any time of year, and it puts a smile on my face. I know it's weird.

mtn UltimaDork
9/19/13 3:27 p.m.
Mazdax605 wrote: Am I the only one that can't stand fantasy sports in general? I mean it seems like fun on the surface, but I hear all my buddies at hockey talking about fantasy football, and fantasy hockey, and it seems like they just bitch and complain about everything! It also seems like it changes the way they watch the sport. Like rooting for a player that may be on the opposite team that you really like, just so you can score some made up points in your stupid made up game. How about enjoying the game, and rooting for one team or the other? Peyton Manning doesn't give a E36 M3 about your fantasy team. None of these players do. I understand it is huge business, but you will never catch me playing fantasy sports.

I hate fantasy sports. And I especially hate fantasy hockey, because it simply does not work.

That being said, it does give an excuse for a few great parties throughout the year.

Ashyukun GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
9/19/13 3:29 p.m.

Am I the only one who actually kind of LIKES wintertime? I don't think I'd want to live too much further North where it gets really bad in winter (not looking forward to driving up to WI to the GF's family's place for Christmas this year...), but I would certainly HATE having to live in Texas or Florida where there isn't any snow or cold weather. I don't want winter ALL the time- but it's nice having the full range of seasons to make you enjoy them.

DrBoost PowerDork
9/19/13 5:34 p.m.

I love wintertime, and hate Commercial-palooza, formerly known as Christmas.

moparman76_69 Dork
9/19/13 6:17 p.m.

Yes and No. I have antenna for tv and the xbox runs netflix. I work for a satellite installer and get a discount but still don't have it.

aussiesmg MegaDork
9/19/13 7:51 p.m.

I am restoring an antenna to get rid of the satellite bill, so... am I the only one to restore an antenna

Curmudgeon MegaDork
9/19/13 8:30 p.m.
HappyAndy wrote: ....that thinks Pearl Jam is the most over-rated rock group of all time?

There is no way you could be more wrong.

To anybody who doesn't like a BJ; what you need is a different GF.

Tom_Spangler GRM+ Memberand Dork
9/19/13 8:57 p.m.
captain nemo wrote: am i the only one who has no cable tv, dish or antenna just ROKU?

On this site? I highly doubt it.

DrBoost PowerDork
9/19/13 9:05 p.m.

I only have an antenna and Netflix.

fritzsch HalfDork
9/19/13 9:15 p.m.

I currently dont have a TV. My only regret is not being able to play GTA V.

Lesley PowerDork
9/19/13 11:30 p.m.
Tom_Spangler wrote:
captain nemo wrote: am i the only one who has no cable tv, dish or antenna just ROKU?
On this site? I highly doubt it.

No cable, no dish, no netflix... no TV here.

Beer Baron
Beer Baron UltimaDork
9/20/13 12:06 a.m.

No cable, dish, etc. either. Had Netflix for a while. Frankly, I am much happier to only watch shows on DVD, no matter how much more money than it costs. A constant stream of zero-effort entertainment degrades my relationship with my significant other.

On the subject of beer... I enjoy IPA, but I am not in love with it. Although that doesn't make me unusual here... that seems to make me insane in the world of U.S. craft beer. I would genuinely rather drink a good Pilsner than a good IPA. I firmly believe the best style of beer in the world is Pale or Golden ale. Take your pick on whether that means American, German, British, or Belgian ("Belgian" is the correct answer), but I am convinced the best beer style in the world must check all the following boxes: sufficiently flavorful and complex to reward an aficionado, not so overly aggressive to be off-putting, strong enough to feel, not too strong that you can't enjoy several, requiring sufficient skill to pull off with balance, but allowing for variation in the interpretation of each brewmaster.

mtn UltimaDork
9/20/13 8:02 a.m.
Beer Baron wrote: On the subject of beer... I enjoy IPA, but I am not in love with it. Although that doesn't make me unusual here... that seems to make me insane in the world of U.S. craft beer. I would genuinely rather drink a good Pilsner than a good IPA. I firmly believe the best style of beer in the world is Pale or Golden ale. Take your pick on whether that means American, German, British, or Belgian ("Belgian" is the correct answer), but I am convinced the best beer style in the world must check all the following boxes: sufficiently flavorful and complex to reward an aficionado, not so overly aggressive to be off-putting, strong enough to feel, not too strong that you can't enjoy several, requiring sufficient skill to pull off with balance, but allowing for variation in the interpretation of each brewmaster.


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