GM finally has to let go.
I'm hoping there's a lesson here for buisiness school grads that think the product is irrelevant, as long as the marketing's done "right"..but I'm not holding my breath. In related news, I've been seeing a lot of Ford Focuses (Focii?) lately.
By far, the biggest employer in the US is the federal government…I wonder how many “company” cars they’ll be buying from Ford now?
sweeet american car manufactuer news from the UK!
The BBC wrote:
Car giant General Motors (GM) has filed for bankruptcy protection, marking the biggest failure of an industrial company in US history.
Wow, I love Europe...all their bad teeth, warm beer and boiled food...
Their headline along with the pic of GMs HQ and the flags blowing in the wind...I can just hear their stoopit accents now blabbering on about dumb yanks and "guvnahs" and such
RX Reven' wrote:
By far, the biggest employer in the US is the federal government…I wonder how many “company” cars they’ll be buying from Ford now?
There is a government "policy" around that, kind of affirmative action for the auto world if you will. Government entities are required to buy cars from all US manufacturers equally.
The really stupid part is that they seem to mix them in the same entities. So if your fleet is 9 cars, you might have 3 Ford types, 3 GM types, and 3 Chrysler types. Not exactly efficient when it comes to maintenance. They also have requirements on alternative fuel vehicles, despite how worthless they might be for the given application (e.g. propane powered pickups with most of the bed taken up by the tanks)
DirtyBird222 wrote:
sweeet american car manufactuer news from the UK!
Sorry dude..Old habits die hard. I work in TV, know it inside & out, and just don't use US "news" sources anymore. They're all so market-share driven that all they "report" is celebrity nonsense and the `Missing Pretty White Girl of The Week'. ugh.
"Network" came true.
I heard you there Corrado.. I got out of news for a reason.
6/1/09 4:20 p.m.
I get my news from BBC and the island papers. They seem to do a pretty good job on American stuff, but the island papers do nothing local other than report body counts and political shenanigans. A good investigative reporter would have a ball down there. If he could get it printed.
The BBC wrote:
Car giant General Motors (GM) has filed for bankruptcy protection, marking the biggest failure of an industrial company in US history.
It's the largest bankruptcy of an industrial company, but not the largest bankruptcy:
mad_machine wrote:
I heard you there Corrado.. I got out of news for a reason.
Me too. I actually went back to Master Control because I was so sick of it. At least MC at a company as big as mine pays a living wage. I lost a couple of great women, skipping dates when staying late to re-cut something I'd been editing together on a tape with a stinking crease in it..
I may be just a switcher, but at least at the end of 8hrs, it's someone else's problem. We ain't as dumb as the production folks say we are.