Personal thoughts:
Bachman: Please just stop talking.
Santorum: Who thinks "WOW, this is the guy who's gonna CHANGE E36 M3!" ???
Huntsman: Get back on your knees.
Romney: You condescending mother berkeleyer, stop talking to me like I don't 'get it.'
Perry: I don't buy the act, and the big gay slap fights with his pal romney are exhausting. On top of that, he's so reminiscent of bush, it's hilarious.
Newt: Damn, he's the most cock-sure motherberkeleyer up there, because he knows what he's talking about.
Cain: My dawg. I've voted for him before, I'd vote for him again, but I hate how he's conceeding on the social issues.
Ron Paul: The only candidate who says: Do whatever the berkeley you want as long as you're not infringing upon my rights to life, liberty, and property. I'll be voting for him in the primary.
What channel is it on? I'm intrigued.
EDIT: CNN. I found it.
Super EDIT: Tea Party? How many dumbasses can you fit in a room, you mean?
N Sperlo wrote: What channel is it on? I'm intrigued. EDIT: CNN. I found it. Super EDIT: Tea Party? How many dumbasses can you fit in a room, you mean?
Let's see... Obama or Cthulhu? I'm voting the new evil on the block.
I'll watch the rebroadcast at 11. I really hope Romney beats out Perry, and then chooses Cain, Ron Paul, or Newt as a running mate. As much as I like Ron Paul, he isn't main stream enough, or presidential looking enough to win the vote. I think Romney is way better than Perry, and it scares me that people consider Bachman or Santorum a credible candidate.
I'll vote after I hear the plans for my non-existent children's future. I wont make a decision now, except for the fact that I trust no one in the tea-bagger party.
N Sperlo wrote: I'll vote after I hear the plans for my non-existent children's future. I wont make a decision now, except for the fact that I trust no one in the tea-bagger party.
These are your republican candidates, if you haven't figured it out. I guess the 'tea party' sponsored it or some E36 M3? It's not on Fox, so it can't be evil.
flountown wrote: I'll watch the rebroadcast at 11. I really hope Romney beats out Perry, and then chooses Cain, Ron Paul, or Newt as a running mate. As much as I like Ron Paul, he isn't main stream enough, or presidential looking enough to win the vote. I think Romney is way better than Perry, and it scares me that people consider Bachman or Santorum a credible candidate.
It scares me that anyone takes mitt seriously beyond "I recognize that name..." No new ideas, a condescending attitude, and he's already lost the primary once ferchrissake.
N Sperlo wrote: tea-bagger party.
I mean, I don't like them that much either, but at the end of the day, rhetoric like that puts you on the same level. Twisting of words to cause or incite sensationalist reactions is not good at any level.
poopshovel wrote:flountown wrote: I'll watch the rebroadcast at 11. I really hope Romney beats out Perry, and then chooses Cain, Ron Paul, or Newt as a running mate. As much as I like Ron Paul, he isn't main stream enough, or presidential looking enough to win the vote. I think Romney is way better than Perry, and it scares me that people consider Bachman or Santorum a credible candidate.It scares me that anyone takes mitt seriously beyond "I recognize that name..." No new ideas, a condescending attitude, and he's already lost the primary once ferchrissake.
Sounds better than Perry anyway...
tuna55 wrote:poopshovel wrote:Sounds better than Perry anyway...flountown wrote: I'll watch the rebroadcast at 11. I really hope Romney beats out Perry, and then chooses Cain, Ron Paul, or Newt as a running mate. As much as I like Ron Paul, he isn't main stream enough, or presidential looking enough to win the vote. I think Romney is way better than Perry, and it scares me that people consider Bachman or Santorum a credible candidate.It scares me that anyone takes mitt seriously beyond "I recognize that name..." No new ideas, a condescending attitude, and he's already lost the primary once ferchrissake.
I am not saying I am a fan of Mitt either, but if it gets a Republican back into the White House, and he picks a candidate I support as a running mate, I can get behind the idea.
flountown wrote:N Sperlo wrote: tea-bagger party.I mean, I don't like them that much either, but at the end of the day, rhetoric like that puts you on the same level. Twisting of words to cause or incite sensationalist reactions is not good at any level.
You're right. But I retain, I do not trust them. Its politics that drags me to that level and that is why I usually stay out of them.
I'll be ignoring them for a while longer now. They will do a fair amount of weeding on their own before the rest of us need to get involved. February is still a ways out.
N Sperlo wrote:flountown wrote:You're right. But I retain, I do not trust them. Its politics that drags me to that level and that is why I usually stay out of them.N Sperlo wrote: tea-bagger party.I mean, I don't like them that much either, but at the end of the day, rhetoric like that puts you on the same level. Twisting of words to cause or incite sensationalist reactions is not good at any level.
Perfectly understandable, just saying that the name calling doesn't detract from them, it only draws more attention and that is all they really want.
Toyman01 wrote: I'll be ignoring them for a while longer now. They will do a fair amount of weeding on their own before the rest of us need to get involved. February is still a ways out.
I should know better. It still just makes me want to smash my head against a wall to think that these are our "best and brightest." I do genuinely enjoy being angry though. I think that's my problem. That and the fact that watching huntsman crash and burn 'springer' style, and watching perry do the "uhhhhhhhhh" (reboot) is hilarious.
N Sperlo wrote: In reply to flountown: I appreciate you.
I believe you've misspelled "prishaytchuh."
Wifey made me turn it off. There are two things that make me angry. Politics and seeing puppies and kittens hurt. Saw a kitty killed today and then I watch a debate.
So what do we do? Watch a movie about rape and murder!
In reply to poopshovel:
I'm in law enforcement. I can't spell worth a damn. I can shoot straight though.
N Sperlo wrote: Wifey made me turn it off. There are two things that make me angry. Politics and seeing puppies and kittens hurt. Saw a kitty killed today and then I watch a debate.So what do we do? Watch a movie about rape and murder!
A Clockwork Orange fits the bill...
In reply to flountown:
Eye for an eye.
I E36 M3 you not, Ive seen people hurt and killed. No problem, but kitties?!
Ron Paul gets boo'd for basically saying that bush was wrong when he said "they hate us fer are free-dum." Then the consummate politicians get applause for saying "we gotta brang thuh troops home."
Saving for a permanent vacation in the british virgin islands. And, having just gone through ktteholocaust, does not want to see or hear of any more kittehdeth.
Romney? Condescending? Guys, didn't you notice, he ditches his ties in public appearances and even wears a short sleeve shirt? You mean he ain't one of us? (PLEASE NOTE SARCASM!!!)
Ron Paul? Before the last election, he sounded interesting, but really, he often looks like the model for Clint Eastwood's character in "Grand Torino".
Bachman? As soon as she said she would get gas back to $2.00 as soon as she was elected, ANY kind of credibility she MIGHT have had went out the window.
Perry? Having lived in Texas, I'm glad...HECK, proud to say I no longer do.
Perry bumper sticker: I'm no GW Bush, I'm meaner and dumber!
poopshovel wrote:flountown wrote: I'll watch the rebroadcast at 11. I really hope Romney beats out Perry, and then chooses Cain, Ron Paul, or Newt as a running mate. As much as I like Ron Paul, he isn't main stream enough, or presidential looking enough to win the vote. I think Romney is way better than Perry, and it scares me that people consider Bachman or Santorum a credible candidate.It scares me that anyone takes mitt seriously beyond "I recognize that name..." No new ideas, a condescending attitude, and he's already lost the primary once ferchrissake.
My tin foil hattery is starting to seriously believe the Rs and Ds are in collusion. Everything is run by the bilderburg group and we are all berkeleyed either way.
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