I bought a car, and need help putting it onto the trailer, well it and a engine. I'm gonna rent the trailer from u-haul, I just need help getting it on. I think I can get it off fine by myself though. The brakes are stuck on, kinda typical though, I'm sure if i pull with a chain they'll break loose or just break.
The one by boyertown, the car is just south of there, off route 100. I'll buy lunch to whoever helps, not at mcdonalds either...
If only the was some sort of identifier between the city and country that could help clarify this place.
digdug18 wrote: i didnt know there were more then one gilbertsville, pa.
You never said Pa. If you can't get a volunteer, you can buy one of these for the price of lunch. Throw on some ropes and you're good, and it's reusable.
I'm not far from there, (Birdsboro), and would be happy to give a hand depending on the day.
email: abbottcd at gmail dot com
I'm up to my ears getting things ready for Chryslers @ Carlisle or I'd offer a hand.
A Come-A-Long like what 914Driver linked is one of the best friends you can have. I can't remember how many cars I've gotten on rental dollies or trailers with it.
I have a com-a-long and 20ft tow rope, and will try to get it on a trailer by myself before I have anyone else help me, which is both pride, and the fact its been so damn hot outside.
I'm hoping a 6ft by 12ft trailer with ramp from uhaul will work, it doesn't say on the site not to use it to haul a car, but it doesn't say not to either, lol. whatever, its closer to the ground then the traditional car trailer that they rent.
I'm gonna try tomorrow at 6am or so.
I have rented the uhaul car trailer and used a come along to get both non-running cars onto the trailer.
one car was in winter and the tires were locked up and snow was on the ramps that helped the tires slide easier. grease up your tires.
I'll try that, lol, funny thing being that the tires are dry rotted. So sliding is about all they will do, they seemed to hold some air atleast when I last filled them up.
I got a 1987 honda civic wagon with real time 4 wheel drive, with a 1985 crx si motor and transmission. for $400.
Its back at my house now, the com-a-long method took forever, and kinda sucked @ss considering I just wanted to get it over with and got it at 5pm, and 102 degrees outside.
I now just need to get it off the trailer, I wish I had my own trailer, one of those ones where the whole tray tilts to make off loading easier for a car that doesn't run. I'm gonna need to com-a-long it off of the trailer as well.
digdug18 wrote: Its back at my house now, the com-a-long method took forever, and kinda sucked
since most of my cars I bring home with a Uhaul trailer need help getting on and off; I often wonder about getting a HF electric winch and making some temporary hangover bracket so I can winch the car on.
I dream of the day that I can bring home a car on a trailer and actually drive it off the trailer into my garage. I wonder what that would be like?
Oh well, we should have dreams that shoot for the moon.
Yeah, I was wondering about a temporary HF electric winch the same as you, on that trailer from uhaul, there were enough places that you could have attached to. I guess you'd have to make sure you got the same trailer every time so that you wouldn't have to change your setup.
It was rather apparent that someone else that used the trailer before me was using a winch on it, because one of the bars in the middle of it was bent.
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