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Spearfishin Reader
3/26/24 10:19 a.m.

My neighbors probably (in one case definitely) hate the number of derelict *looking* cars in my driveway.  ​​

I can send pictures for your Ex to take across the street to show the grumpy neighbors how much worse it could be. 

And since I'm not sure the horse has been beat enough by those of us living in the sticks: berkeley a HOA. I cannot fathom ever considering a home in a neighborhood, much less in a neighborhood where my neighbor can direct petty aggression at me under "cover" of a rules making body that I actually have to pay dues for. But that's my $0.02, coming from the house HOA's were created to protect against, haha. 


docwyte UltimaDork
3/26/24 10:46 a.m.

It's the people, not the HOA.  We've lived in an HOA neighborhood for over 20 years, never had an issue.  

I don't leave my garage doors open, unless I'm out there, period.  Way too easy for someone to walk past and decide that they'd like to my stuff their stuff.  Would be even easier for them to do it really early in the morning, when it's dark out and nobody's around.  

ShawnG MegaDork
3/26/24 11:01 a.m.

My closest neighbor is a mile away...

Spearfishin Reader
3/26/24 1:59 p.m.
docwyte said:

It's the people, not the HOA.  We've lived in an HOA neighborhood for over 20 years, never had an issue.  

I don't leave my garage doors open, unless I'm out there, period.  Way too easy for someone to walk past and decide that they'd like to my my stuff their stuff.  Would be every easier for them to do it really early in the morning, when it's dark out and nobody's around.  

I hear you, but I'm coming from it more like ShawnG. I regularly urinate facing whatever direction I choose when I'm outside. I'm not cut out for neighborhood living, and I'm definitely not cut out for HOA living. 

ShawnG MegaDork
3/26/24 2:10 p.m.

Even if I lived in town, I'm pretty sure trying to tell someone else what they can do with their own property out here would result in being told where to go in a big hurry.

z31maniac MegaDork
3/26/24 4:24 p.m.
Spearfishin said:
docwyte said:

It's the people, not the HOA.  We've lived in an HOA neighborhood for over 20 years, never had an issue.  

I don't leave my garage doors open, unless I'm out there, period.  Way too easy for someone to walk past and decide that they'd like to my my stuff their stuff.  Would be every easier for them to do it really early in the morning, when it's dark out and nobody's around.  

I hear you, but I'm coming from it more like ShawnG. I regularly urinate facing whatever direction I choose when I'm outside. I'm not cut out for neighborhood living, and I'm definitely not cut out for HOA living. 

Just like I'm not cut out for country/out of town living. Although, I'd be hard pressed to live in a neighborhood with an HOA. 

I'm about 20 minutes from the comedy club, The Criterion (larger concert/comedy venue) and the Paycom center (OKC Thunder and large concerts), multiple entertainment districts, and within 5 minutes is our vet 3 different groceries stores, two pharmacies, etc. 

Spearfishin Reader
3/26/24 7:24 p.m.
z31maniac said:
Spearfishin said:
docwyte said:

It's the people, not the HOA.  We've lived in an HOA neighborhood for over 20 years, never had an issue.  

I don't leave my garage doors open, unless I'm out there, period.  Way too easy for someone to walk past and decide that they'd like to my my stuff their stuff.  Would be every easier for them to do it really early in the morning, when it's dark out and nobody's around.  

I hear you, but I'm coming from it more like ShawnG. I regularly urinate facing whatever direction I choose when I'm outside. I'm not cut out for neighborhood living, and I'm definitely not cut out for HOA living. 

Just like I'm not cut out for country/out of town living. Although, I'd be hard pressed to live in a neighborhood with an HOA. 

I'm about 20 minutes from the comedy club, The Criterion (larger concert/comedy venue) and the Paycom center (OKC Thunder and large concerts), multiple entertainment districts, and within 5 minutes is our vet 3 different groceries stores, two pharmacies, etc. 

When we travel to various cities, the dining options are always the thing we say "damn, this is pretty nice!" But usually still happy to head home. 

Ass for every seat, I always say!

ShawnG MegaDork
3/26/24 7:58 p.m.

We go into town once a week or so.

Way too peopley, I can handle it for a few hours but then I have to gtfo.


NermalSnert (Forum Supporter)
NermalSnert (Forum Supporter) HalfDork
3/26/24 8:02 p.m.
ShawnG said:

We go into town once a week or so.

Way too peopley, I can handle it for a few hours but then I have to gtfo.


It's not that I don't like people. I just like it better when they're not around. cheeky

Steve_Jones UltraDork
3/26/24 8:47 p.m.

The first time he calls because your dog is outside, he's being an ass

The second time he calls because your dog is outside, he's being an ass

The fifth time he calls because your dog is outside, maybe you're the ass?

How many times does someone need to show you they can legally hassle you for something before you think "Maybe we shouldn't do that anymore"? 

This thread could be started by him, with the same title. 

SKJSS (formerly Klayfish)
SKJSS (formerly Klayfish) UltimaDork
3/26/24 9:28 p.m.

I don't want to keep going in circles about the fact that my dog was outside.  We all agree it is against county code.  Just as a last note on the dog, he is probably going to have to be put down very shortly.  He's almost blind and can hardly walk.  This is the dog they felt compelled to call animal control.  Animal control told us pretty much the same thing.  They gave my ex a verbal slap on the wrist and said they aren't going to fine her, agreeing they are d-bags. 

These neighbors are total shiny happy people, period.  I was just curious if others dealt with people like this, who have a camera pointing right at your house 

John Welsh
John Welsh Mod Squad
3/26/24 9:42 p.m.

In reply to SKJSS (formerly Klayfish) :

I'm sorry to hear of the dog's declining health.  Never easy,  but search now to find a vet who will make house calls.  On that final day, it is so much better if you can do it at home.  

RevRico GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
3/26/24 9:49 p.m.

In reply to SKJSS (formerly Klayfish) :

Dealt with the camera pointed at the house part. I cut the grass in a shirt that said "berkeley you Jesse" on the back. Then one night I got drunk, circled around his property, and cut the wires to the camera then cracked the lense. Never saw him replace it.

E36 M3head doesn't live they're anymore so I don't mind admitting to it, but I also don't recommend it.

SKJSS (formerly Klayfish)
SKJSS (formerly Klayfish) UltimaDork
3/26/24 10:55 p.m.
John Welsh said:

In reply to SKJSS (formerly Klayfish) :

I'm sorry to hear of the dog's declining health.  Never easy,  but search now to find a vet who will make house calls.  On that final day, it is so much better if you can do it at home.  

I know.  It just crushes my heart. 

pheller UltimaDork
3/27/24 2:22 p.m.

In reply to Steve_Jones :

For once I agree with you on something! 

In reply to SKJSS (formerly Klayfish) :

More than likely that camera pointed at your house has been used to document times when the dog did leave the property without knowledge of your ex or kids. 

I'll be honest, I've been your neighbors to my neighbors. We had some folks two doors from us who refused to leash their dogs while on walks around the neighborhood. Their Weimaraner just kinda went where ever she pleased as they coerced her around the neighborhood. Including an instance of stealing my daughter's breakfast right from her hands. After this incident my wife flipped her lid, and a series of reports were made to the HOA, police, city and animal control, who corroborated similar events with other neighbors in our hood.  

The guilty party didn't help matters when they brought home two puppies to join in the barking extravaganza with their already noisy Weimaraner. 

Unfortunately, they felt like the neighborhood was ganging up on them (including for reasons not related to dogs which wasn't true). The issue was that ANOTHER neighbor nearby had been fined after he also refused to leash/fence his dog, and he actually talked to Weimaraner folks about doing the same because he felt it was unfair that his dog (pitbull mixed with something short and stocky) should get all the blame and theirs get freedom to go unleashed. Neighbors were also confusing their dogs with his and some others that occasionally got out, and we also had a neighbor who walked her ex K9 with personality issues with a muzzle and repeatedly told the Weimaraner folks to leash their dogs for fear of a confrontation. Everyone was legit on edge about dogs. 

Since they've got the message, they've listed their house for sale (with not much luck), cleaned up their property, and got rid of the new dogs, and decided they weren't built for tight subdivision life. 

Outside of their behavior with their dogs, they are nice people and I have no complaints about them. He's building his own offroad camper in the driveway and I enjoyed watching the progress.


z31maniac MegaDork
3/27/24 3:48 p.m.
ShawnG said:

We go into town once a week or so.

Way too peopley, I can handle it for a few hours but then I have to gtfo.


Reminds of the exchange in Clerks. 

"But you hate people."
"But I love gatherings. Ironic, isn't it?"

ShawnG MegaDork
3/27/24 7:37 p.m.
z31maniac said:
ShawnG said:

We go into town once a week or so.

Way too peopley, I can handle it for a few hours but then I have to gtfo.


Reminds of the exchange in Clerks. 

"But you hate people."
"But I love gatherings. Ironic, isn't it?"

I forgot about that. Lol.

Pretty on the nose for how I feel.

Also Tommy Lee Jones in MIB.

"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, stupid animals and you know it!"

Appleseed MegaDork
3/27/24 8:51 p.m.

So...logic dictates that when the dog passes, all the BS aggression will stop, right?

Steve_Jones UltraDork
3/27/24 9:12 p.m.
SKJSS (formerly Klayfish) said:

I don't want to keep going in circles about the fact that my dog was outside.  We all agree it is against county code.  Just as a last note on the dog, he is probably going to have to be put down very shortly.  He's almost blind and can hardly walk.  This is the dog they felt compelled to call animal control.  Animal control told us pretty much the same thing.  They gave my ex a verbal slap on the wrist and said they aren't going to fine her, agreeing they are d-bags. 

These neighbors are total shiny happy people, period.  I was just curious if others dealt with people like this, who have a camera pointing right at your house 

I understand your frustration, but the dog has not always been 14, almost blind and had trouble walking, that's just your excuse this time. They called animal control on a healthy animal over and over, but the owner did nothing to change the behavior. That's the very definition of being an shiny happy person so I can see both sides of this one. You also mention dogs, so I assume the other dog(s) are healthy?

They scream, literally, if someone parks even partly in their way

Don't park in their way and that stops as well...

I'm sympathetic to the situation, because I'd hate to live with neighbors like that, but to them, you're the bad neighbor, and partially justified based on your own words. 

SKJSS (formerly Klayfish)
SKJSS (formerly Klayfish) UltimaDork
3/28/24 7:34 a.m.

Good grief, we've beaten the dog part of this to death.  As has been said, yes we were technically in violation of county code.  That's been well established.  Not defending it.  Can we put it to rest?  Even animal control thinks they are d-bags.  Two of the other neighbors have had major screaming matches with them. 

Steve, that's why I said "someone" parking.  It's never been us/her.  It's contractors... landscaping, delivery etc...  My ex's driveway is huge, I had it custom built laugh

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