I'm looking into what it would take to do a virtual event. We already do Facebook Live shows once a week (Thursdays at 2:00 PM Mountain, tell your friends!) but that's mostly just a live broadcast with some comments that come and go quickly. We'd like to be able to do something a little more...friendly. Like a big Zoom meeting. Or a technical seminar where it's easier for people to actually ask questions.
Anyone have experience with doing this? How do you ride herd on a big Zoom blob? I've only used it for video calls, a dozen people or so at most and those are all people who know each other. Suggestions?
Interested in what develops on this subject.
Will be attempting to do a virtual garage tour for my BMW CCA Chapter in a couple of weeks using one of the online conferencing solutions. It should be a learning experience.
The plan is to have someone designated to "mind the room" and I'll have my phone on a tripod stand so I don't have to hand hold it and use a bluetooth headset. I figure I'll also have my laptop up and running in the general area as well.
2/4/21 10:28 a.m.
I have done a couple for the kids' grade school where we've played bingo with a relatively large number of families and then I've also done some larger-scale webinars for work. We're a WebEx shop, so I'm more familiar with that, but they have an "Events" version of WebEx where you can create the event and it allows you to have a panel of presenters that everyone can see and then all the individual participants are hidden from each other. The panel can unmute a participant if they want to ask a question or questions can be typed into the chat window - I think you can configure the visibility of chat as well. You can record the session and download the video/audio/screenshare as an MP4 file that you can put on Youtube or whatever after the session is over. If you want a more "social" question-asking, there's a site called Pidgeonhole to which you can link and people can ask new questions and/or upvote existing questions. That's pretty handy when you have a limited Q&A time so you can have people submit questions starting a week in advance and running through the whole session and then pick the top 5 or 10 or whatever if you want.
Karacticus said:
Interested in what develops on this subject.
Will be attempting to do a virtual garage tour for my BMW CCA Chapter in a couple of weeks using one of the online conferencing solutions. It should be a learning experience.
The plan is to have someone designated to "mind the room" and I'll have my phone on a tripod stand so I don't have to hand hold it and use a bluetooth headset. I figure I'll also have my laptop up and running in the general area as well.
We used to do that for the FB live shows - one person to present, one to run the camera and one to watch the comments.
Hmm, I'm wondering if I'm basically looking at a webinar? I will take a look at WebEx to see if there's any real difference between it and Zoom. We're not heavily tied to any one platform at this time.
Zoom also has a webinar license for additional cost.
Another option is slido. You can present and it gives options for polls or q&a that people can vote on so you answer the most popular questions.
You want to really do a webinar. If you leave it as an open line then you will get interruptions all of the time.
I regularly run virtual events with 200+ people on them. With Zoom Webinar, You have a couple of choices. You can either use the Q&A box and answer the questions either live or in Text or do the Raise your hand feature and then unmute that person and talk live.
The McLaren event I sent you was Zoom Webinar run.