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Cotton SuperDork
1/4/13 9:25 a.m.
ultraclyde wrote: SUPRA!! There was a girl at my HS with one like this in a factory Copper-orange and black with louvers on the back window. Man, that thing was cool.

I had a supra with the blue over silver two tone in highschool...it also had blue leather. I loved that car, but it caught on fire and burned. I tried to buy one just like it not too long ago, but it sold before I could get to it.

My 87 MR2 has some funky stripes. Not sure if they are factory or not. One of these days I'll snap some pics and post them up.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
1/4/13 9:50 a.m.
Duke wrote:
mad_machine wrote: Saab was in on it too with the SPG
Damn, I wanted one just like that in the *worst* way, back in about 1989.

I have one.. but when I am done it will be black on black

Karacticus GRM+ Memberand New Reader
1/4/13 12:00 p.m.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
Karacticus wrote: Is 1979 close enough?
Wow, just wow, even in 1979 I'm amazed.

Almost makes me wonder if this would be something you could make a Lemons IOE run with in concours condition...

Matt B
Matt B Dork
1/4/13 12:23 p.m.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
Karacticus wrote: Is 1979 close enough?
Wow, just wow, even in 1979 I'm amazed.

Karacticus GRM+ Memberand New Reader
1/4/13 1:03 p.m.

Found another "tastefull" color combination...

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