I am sure there are some of you out there. I am one. I have been one for many years. It is not that I don't like working for someone it is that I like the challenge of making something from nothing. I have started and sold several companies over the years. It is a huge challenge that is also hugely rewarding.
But it means:
You pay everyone else first. AKA Making payroll ever 2 weeks.
The "buck" stops at your desk.
There is no such thing as overtime.
"Vacation" is not in your dictionary.
Tax's. . .. . .
Insurance. . .. .
Everyone seems to have their hand out.
All this is just par for the course the real thing I hate is evaluating people. You have to be judgmental and at the sametime you are deemed an A-hole if you are judgmental. I am lucky I am working with "friends". But then again as a business owner there is part of me that has to look at the bottom line and decide what some one is worth.
There is the other issue of people that think they are worth X amount. Sometimes they are corect. Sometimes they are out to lunch. It is always a problem when there is a disagrement when dealing with this.
Things I like to do as "The Boss"? Rewarding employees. Believe it or not, I like handing out money when the company has it. Kids get a better Christmass or families get to go on better vacations. As the owner, it is the rewarding part of the job. Making people happy. I also like it when I can make something work for an employee. Many times it is something as simple as a nonstandard schedule because of school hours or daycare.
The biggest thing I appreciate is honesty. Even if someone makes a mistakes. I can deal with it (I have made my share) getting to me with the truth as soon as possible is always the best thing and I really appreciate it. Most often it can be fixed or mitigated with little or no issue. Lying about something or not owning your mistakes makes or possibly the worst thing is hiding a problem makes me crazy.
On the other hand, sometimes as the Boss, you feel like you are the outsider at the company party. The employees go out together and you are not invited or you are expected to pay when you do go along. Going "Dutch" seems to not be the thing when the company owner is there.
What is the one thing I wish employees would understand better? It is that I am the brand I sell. Yes it is personal! It is my reputation that is on the line.
Anyway, just me rambling on here. I would be interested to here from others.