Jonny Quest was a great cartoon, with a great theme song. The Boomerang channel used to have it on every night, but now they've moved it to 3am on Sunday nights so I don't have a chance to see it anymore.
Maybe not the "best," but certainly the hardest me for me to get out of my head once I hear it...
Sanford And Son
stuart in mn wrote: It's interesting that most memorable TV theme songs in recent history are actually popular songs used under license (i.e. Jessica for Top Gear as mentioned above, or the various Who songs used for the CSI shows.) I can't think of any good ones that were written specifically for the show since maybe the early 1980s.
Not worthy of this thread, but How I Met Your Mother has its own theme, and it is not a bad one either.
Family Guy, American Dad, and the Cleveland Show all have their own as well.
Batman The Animated Series had an excellent theme:
As did the anime Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex:
I keep seeing mentions of Top Gear UK's theme. Remember that the copyright stuff is why we don't get "real" episodes in the US, and you have to go look for the new ones online.
"Jessica", by the Allman Brothers Band.
RexSeven wrote: As did the anime Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex:
Yeah, I think Yoko Kanno is a "pop music" genius. This one's not her voice, but from what I can figure out, it's her arrangements and her piano. Chase that 'Data Dog', Spike!
stuart in mn wrote: It's interesting that most memorable TV theme songs in recent history are actually popular songs used under license (i.e. Jessica for Top Gear as mentioned above, or the various Who songs used for the CSI shows.) I can't think of any good ones that were written specifically for the show since maybe the early 1980s.
South Park?
Not sure why I always liked Hill Street Blues, WKRP, MASH (TV with out the lyrics), and the theme to The Bob Newhart Show used to be my ring tone.
Oh come on, how is it in 3 pages nobody has mentioned Cheers
Also, even though I never watched it, the original Dallas.
Or Night Court?
My introduction to classical music:
(AKA "March of the Swiss Soldiers" from "The William Tell Overture")
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