jimbbski wrote:
Dr. Hess wrote:
jimbbski wrote:
I think it's more likely to end up being a case of domestic terrorism rather then a foreign one.
Investigators have a suspect — a Saudi Arabian national — in the horrific Boston Marathon bombings, The Post has learned.
Oh I guess that the Post has already solved the case! Everybody can now relax!
Is this the same Post that said that there were 10 people killed when the latest reports say only 2. Of course that's 2 to many but really, the Post?
According to local news and Bloomberg, there have been no arrests yet. This is per the Boston Police.
EDIT: One of the confirmed dead was an 8 year-old boy. Dammit.
CBS reported that they were questioning someone. Someone in the crowd saw someone they thought was acting suspicious. They chased him down and got police to talk to him. That's probably where the arrest reports are coming from. Probably nothing, but, you never know.
If you are following this online, browse carefully, there are some pictures circulating out there that aren't easily unseen. And this from someone who's seen hundreds of crime scene photos over the years. 
I'm grateful that my favorite forum shows a prudent restraint. So many other sites are becoming seething cauldrons of hate and recrimination.
jimbbski wrote:
Dr. Hess wrote:
jimbbski wrote:
I think it's more likely to end up being a case of domestic terrorism rather then a foreign one.
Investigators have a suspect — a Saudi Arabian national — in the horrific Boston Marathon bombings, The Post has learned.
Oh I guess that the Post has already solved the case! Everybody can now relax!
Is this the same Post that said that there were 10 people killed when the latest reports say only 2. Of course that's 2 to many but really, the Post?
The Post is has straddled the line of legitimate news and sensationalist tabloid for a while now. The rush to be first to report and draw views is secondary to actually reporting the facts now days, and I mean facts not "facts" that the 24 hour news networks purports to be the truth.
Either way it's sick that this happened and it's sick that there's still such sensationalism without substance.
tried listening to the radio. too much speculation, no new information. I'd rather hear it 20 min later filtered through the level heads that seem to be prevailing here.
heading to garage.
4/15/13 6:36 p.m.
yamaha wrote:
Terrorism(whether domestic or foreign) only works if people end up scared. Don't be.
I know it; have said the same thing many times myself. Today, however, I just needed to hear someone say it back to me. Thanks.
It is refreshing to hear an honest and level headed conversation about the matter; something I know I can count on from my friends here.
At this time the have SWAT, ATF, FBI, and a prisoner transport at the hospital. Seems like an awfully big presence, perhaps one of the injured is a suspect.
4/15/13 6:53 p.m.
My best friend qualified this year, but couldn't be there because of finances.
My wife has almost qualified- probably would have had she not gotten injured. I would have probably been near the finish, too....
kreb wrote:
I'm grateful that my favorite forum shows a prudent restraint. So many other sites are becoming seething cauldrons of hate and recrimination.
Plus about a jillion.
I work in a warehouse, and the common phrase among the workers here seems to be some form of, "we oughta nuke 'em and make that place a parking lot"
Its good to know there are still intelligent and rational people out there.
4/15/13 7:01 p.m.
CNN currently has 132 injured, 2 dead, 17 critical, 25 serious, at least 8 children.
I'm sick.
Not to be overly analytical....
Having seen the video of the explosion by the finish quite a few times- it's pretty safe to say that it wasn't an overly sophisticated devive- it was not C4- way too much smoke for that.
And since you see a fireball- it appears to be a rather slow burning black powder.
I've seen a pile of FFF black powder go off- that's what I'm remined of.
Oh, and the post from Mr Rodgers- a few being interviewed are saying the same thing- not from him, but how great the helpers were.
Very sad. Don't be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
tb wrote:
I currently live on the route of a big race coming up next month. Do I start begging my friends to skip it this year? Can I watch from the street like usual and wave a flag in proud protest against this horrific act or do I hide inside my condo like a frightened turtle? The chilling effect of something like this is a frustrating conundrum...
No, you don't become a hermit. If you do, then "they" have won. Who are they? Idiots. Cowards. People with severe penis envy. Losers who didn't get enough love from Mom.
You can be vigilant, though, and keep your eyes open. How does that MTA poster go? If you see something, say something.
Quick story:
When the anthrax attacks broke, my first thought was, Well, a certain metal band is going to feel the heat for this.
But they didn't. anthrax.com, the band's site, quickly became a clearing house for info: links to CDC, USPS, FBI, etc. If you had a question or concern about the anthrax attacks, the band's site was a good place to start.
At the bottom of the page, there was a call to action: If you have a name/link to add to this list, contact us.
Being curious, I clicked the link. Would that e-mail go to Scott Ian or one of the guys in the band? It went to iwillnotbeterrorized@anthrax.com. I have no idea if that address is still good (doubt it), but it shows the right attitude.
One of the biggest things to come out of today was the people who finished the race and continued running to the hospital to give blood, the police who fought through the crowds streaming away from the scene to respond and the quick actions of all the doctors and nurses already on the scene.
That is what America is. We are not cowards. We will persevere. You will not win.
In reply to alfadriver:
I have to agree first thing I thought of was a blackpowder bomb. I even told a coworker about it. Put together the right casing a blackpowder bomb can make quite a blast remember. Old tech that can even be made from scratch if you have the know how. Amplify the destruction by throwing in ball bearings or nails strapped to the outside. Add in fuel containers to cause an increased fireball.
I am interested in why the additional bombs did not go off. This could mean that the suspect was triggering them alone and when he was injured he couldnot trigger the additional explosives.
An 8 year old boy... damn.
Just damn. It's never good for someone to be injured or die like this no matter what their age, but the indiscriminate killing of children... that just hits something in me I'd rather not have hit. My heart goes out to all those involved.
In reply to rebelgtp:
Authorities had cell phone service shut down in case that was used to trigger
Black powder will be easy to trace due to taggants.
In reply to fasted58:
Yeah but that would take time. Wasn't the second bomb detonated within seconds of the first? Why not the others?
I am purposely not watching the news.
Listening to a bit of TV and radio, it started reminding me of one of those really long car chases they cover on TV. After about 20 minutes or so, the announcers start running out of things to say. It gets pretty ridiculous and frankly, pretty sad.
rebelgtp wrote:
In reply to fasted58:
Yeah but that would take time. Wasn't the second bomb detonated within seconds of the first? Why not the others?
sending a PM with ideas.....don't want to mess up the tone of this thread.