Mitchell wrote:dabird wrote: Race matters in the sense that the reaction, both politically and publicly will be different depending on if these guys are foreign or domestic terrorists.Racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds do not equal national background.
Thanks for the tip
aircooled wrote:poopshovel wrote: ...Why the berkeley are people obsessed with what color they are? I'd expect this E36 M3 if I was on facebook or twitter. Didn't expect it here....I believe you are primarily responding to a post that was deleted,
I'm sure that it was in reference to my ham-fisted attempt to show that there's a lot of variation, and that it is very difficult to categorize someone by race. Obviously, what i was attempting to do was the opposite of what I achieved; I didn't mean to stir that pot.
aircooled wrote: the media reported at one point the suspect was "dark skinned" with apparently no justification.
The media screwed a lot of things up. Jon Stewart did a good job of skewering CNN's coverage:
Fletch1 wrote: Unfortunately, one side wants it to be a certain kind of person and the other side wants it to be a certain kind of person for their own gain. This will be used to push some agenda, hate to say it, but I saw it just a few hours after it happened. In the meantime, families are suffering great loss and pain. It sucks.
It already started to be used tuesday. One side said if there was no sequester this wouldn't have happened and the other side said this is why gun laws are useless. I don't know where it went from there. I turned to what sounded like a Spanish Polka station. They may have been having the same argument but I didn't understand it and it sounded better.
OK... I reacted to a grainy photograph and brought up race. Honestly, that was my first thought... foreign or domestic terrorism? Does it change the outcome of 4/15? No. Does it matter to me who this enemy is? Yes.
I will probably not be the only one here who honestly thought of color or nationality when they initially viewed the photos. I chose to type my first thoughts, PC did not matter.
Foreign based terrorism could use the event as an opportunity for mass casualties regardless. Domestic terrorists using Tax Day/ Patriot Day as a statement may just be a coincidence. I brought up the date proximity to Waco and OKC earlier in this thread.
Color, race, ethnicity, nationality still matter to me at this point. I'd be more concerned if it were domestic.
My PC is still on hold.
4/19 is tomorrow, look it up.
Honestly, I'm probably the most racially prejudiced person I know. You know, in a funny Dave Chappelle way.
I'm not getting all "We shouldn't judge." I just think it's berkeleying sick that we, as Americans have to turn everything into a berkeleying game show/football game/American Idol thing. Like nobody gives a E36 M3 that somebody's kid died, so long as they can be all "YUP! Called it! They were from Uzbekistan!"
Disclaimer: It could just be the lack of nicotine and abundance of booze. Sorry to get all judgy. I'm in a bad friggin mood. Let me after these dudes. I'll bite their Greco-Roman-Aryan-Northern African berkeleyin faces off.
poopshovel wrote: Let me after these dudes. I'll bite their Greco-Roman-Aryan-Northern African berkeleyin faces off.
Have at. If any body asks, I'll tell them you were visiting me, and planning on picking up a rusty gremlin while you were in the area.
Like trivial matters such as "quality information" or "the legal system" have ever stopped a witch hunt.
Suspect #2 is to the left in the picture. Wearing a backwards white hat, just right of the emergency pull box. He's the primary suspect I believe, as he was the one seen planting the device in reviewed footage.
fasted58 wrote: In reply to RexSeven: there is some huge E36 M3 goin' on in Boston, Cambridge and Watertown tonight
This is like GTA come to life. Absolute insanity. There's only one suspect in custody, a couple of bystanders cuffed and released, and multiple reports of grenades/IEDs.
Crazy between network news and the Boston PD scanner tonight:
Cop shot and killed at MIT, car jacking, car chase w/ multiple vehicles damaged, explosive devices found... all cell phones off, bomb squad, FBI on scene, choppers in air, dogs on ground, 20 man group search teams through neighborhoods, SWAT team clearing a suspect house, 15 shots fired....
(in no way are any of these events purported to be related)
There was a suspect description broadcast to PD.... but I won't repeat the description because I'm motherberkeleying PC. Person was said to be armed w/ assault rifle and possible IEDs, considered extremely dangerous. 2:48 a.m. This suspect IS reported to be the white hat guy by Boston PD. 2:56 a.m. PD confirms MIT and bombers are connected.
Further timeline/reports:
edit: 4:44 am g'nite
Here's two new photos of the suspects:
EDIT: Police scanner confirms Suspect #2/white hat was active in the chase and is still on the loose.
FFRY wrote: Clearer picture of suspect #2 Suspect #2 is to the left in the picture. Wearing a backwards white hat, just right of the emergency pull box. He's the primary suspect I believe, as he was the one seen planting the device in reviewed footage.
I just heard that Suspect #2 (Dzhokhar Tsarnaev???) is the one who is still at large
From PD feed,
Police surrounding building. Tac teams in place surrounding Watertown looking for a man in a black hoodie in vicinity of 78 dexter
8:43am - 25-23, 17-15 suspect is possibly in one of these two locations. Squads providing cover, they believe its one of these 2 houses.
8:44am - request to know if enough tactical assets on scene. Enough assets on scene, they're moving to clear buildings.
8:45am - EOD requested to scene, possible "rocket" (as described by police officer) found in basement. Tac teams remain in place
8:50am - PD asking if anybody got a clear visual of this guy running into one of these homes.
8:51am - perimeter set up around target location.
8:53am - Laurel and Cypress street is where EOD is being sent.
8:55am - nobody is sure if somebody was seen running into these buildings.
8:59am - somebody was just advised over radio that the suspect is posting online "I will kill all of you as you have killed my brother"
Sidenote: Boston PD: 100 East Hampton street, suspicious package in lobby. Brown box wrapped in tape unattended.
That white hat is a little like putting a sign over his head that says, "Here I am. Follow me through the crowd".
Yeah, that's #2
The suspects in Boston bombing were identified as Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, and his brother Dzhokhar, 19. The elder brother was killed in the stand-off with the police, while the younger one remains at large. The relationship was confirmed by their uncle, police reported, according to AP. An NBC report claims the two immigrated at least two years ago. One of the brothers is said to have a Massachusetts drivers’ license.
Just catching up on this. So it seems that 'white hat' was observed planting one of the devices? If that's on video then it's pretty hard evidence.
About the whole 'what color' issue: how the hell else would they be described? Are the police etc supposed to say 'watch for a person' and not give any identifying characteristics such as height, skin color, sex, approximate weight, etc? That's what all this PC E36 M3 is headed toward. No reason to get panties in wads, but of course some will anyway. To them I say: grow the hell up.
Well, that didn't take long: One dead, one might be surrounded:
Question for all:
Would you rather see (the one left) dead, or find out why the hell they would do this?
(I don't think the US is really involved Chechynya at all)
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