Gotcha, makes sense that the external holding tanks I have seen were just for summer use fishing places anyway it seems.
We just got a place in Talkeetna that we will be at HOPEFULLY every spare minute we have and I am loving the interior more and more. I'll shoot you a message next time we're up in your area and maybe grab a beer. It would be the smallest furthest north GRM meet ever.
Word. I drive to Denali NP every Thursday for work in the summer and overnight just south of the park, let me know when you're coming through.
Grtechguy wrote: Maybe this was answered already, but you can't do well water?
he talked that he might but it woiuld require processing because the area used to be a gold mine (literally) which = lots of nasty stuff.
Arsenic, mainly.
The saga continues. It's been a very wet summer in Alaska. So wet that we haven't even started trying to get to the old tank nor drop a new one. Everything is still super saturated and with it being July, normally the start of when it's supposed to be wet and rainy in Alaska, we're starting to get worried about getting a tank in before winter.
So we've started exploring above ground options now as well. The problem is aesthetic and space related... water tanks are ugly, big, and heavy. The ugly is easy enough to take care of, by enclosing it in a shed which will also help keep it warm, but the size... a 1500gal tank is basically 8' in diameter and 6' tall. A 2500gal tank is just as big around but 9' tall. Placing one on our current pad would mangle the available space pretty badly by closing off a 10x10 square. The problem is said tank has to be accessible so we can fill it...
Actually, a 50 gal tank that is accessible is probably enough, with a transfer pump to fill the big one.
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