Ojala wrote: In reply to chandlerGTi: Hmmm, I m not sure I see it. What's your email?
Amchandler2000 at yahoo
In reply to fasted58:
Pm me and I'll give you my PayPal (which is in my wife's name). Give me your name and address and whether you want one or two radars and I'll ship them on Monday morning before I go out of town to a work convention.
So far I have revrico, mndsm, and Evanb boxed up.
Ojala wrote: We found a stash of old handheld and car mounted radar guns at work. So of course we started playing with them seeing how fast we could run, throw a baseball, etc... UNTIL my partner says "aren't those the guns that we retired cause it gave guys cancer?" What a buzzkill, ever have one of those guys at work that injects a little common sense into some ill advised fun?
Radar gun radiation isn't ionizing radiation.
Probably the radar guns got retired because LIDAR is less detectable. And, in some cases, free.
Ojala wrote: Okay, Evanb's and revrico's shipping are paid
Ohio rallycrosses are about to get a whole lot cooler!
Too bad we don't still run at National Trails.
Gimp wrote: I would gladly cover shipping on a radar gun.
X2. Then I'd donate it to the local autocross club
Big thanks to nick comstock who rode all the way from temple to help me sort radars.
Shipping payment received from rxreven and radars are boxed up to ship tomorrow.
The handhelds are all taken. All that's left are about 2 dozen Kustom kr-10 and Kustom Trooper vehicle mounted radars.
Im going to have to cut off shipments till next week. So far RXreven, revrico, patgizz, chandler, mndsm, and evanb are boxed up and will ship tomorrow morning.
Thank you again sir, the challenge car now has a theme, and autocross just got a little more interesting.
this may be the best 14 bucks I ever spent. Swmbo was not amused when I plugged it into her car and was using it in the parking lot.
I'll be back this weekend and I can send out some more vehicle mounted radars. They are bigger so they only fit in the large boxes. If you check the 12v plug you can unscrew the end and inside there is a 2a slo-blo fuse. That's the first thing to check on these things. Don't use any old 2a fuse. It's got to be the heavier slo-blo type or it might not work.
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