Fmic kit that uses the factory ram air and shroud as the air intake. Always thought this was a neat (but complicated from a piping standpoint) setup
In reply to 914Driver : I saw that Ferrari powered coupe at the LA classic auto show! BTW it’s for sale.
Atomic Cannon.
One of those atomic cannons is at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Go visit and you’ll also find Geronimo’s grave site, although his bones may be missing. The surrounding mountain range and nearby town of Medicine Park are worth the visit as well.
Donebrokeit said:
Looks like a good start to the morning.
Makes me want to rallycross a Rabbit GTI.
That moment when you realize that you've gone beyond "wanting to buy parts that you forgot you already have" and are into "wanting to buy CARS that you forgot you already have"
Saron81 said:white_fly said:
What is this thing?
I googled "crosskart" and had to add this to the list of things that I must eventually do.
In reply to Appleseed :
Shortly before the first detonation of a nuclear device, the Trinity test, July 16, 1945, Enrico Fermi jokingly took bets on “whether the atmosphere will be set on fire,”
914Driver said:Harp Gun in Yuma, AZ. When it was last fired in 1992, it was at 89 1/2 degrees azmuth to keep it on the property. The ground rippled like you tosses a rock in a lake.
The gun at top left is a 16" Navy gun.
This one is in Barbados:
In reply to slefain :
I'm working from memory but I think that version of the 16" gun was used for testing HARP (High Altitude Rocket Projectiles). IIRC they were able to get a range of something absolutely stupid like 125 miles with the thing. That paired with current precision guided munitions technology would have made a fearsome combination these days...
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