7/8/11 7:52 p.m.
Smartphones Tied To 25% Of U.S. Car Crashes
Distractions caused by smartphones contribute to a quarter of U.S. automobile accidents, says Governors Highway Safety Association.
By Eric Zeman InformationWeek
July 08, 2011 03:03 PM
Cell phones and smartphones continue to pose a serious threat to American motorists. A study conducted by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) sifted through the data of 350 scientific papers on the subject and has concluded that drivers are distracted from the primary task of piloting their vehicle by one thing or another up to half the time.
Using a cell phone at all raises the chances that a driver will cause an accident. Sending text messages, or texting, while driving is even riskier than using a phone to make calls while driving. The GHSA estimates that distractions account for between 15% and 25% of all crashes, which range from minor fender-benders to accidents involving fatalities.
I used to think I was a fairly decent driver until I tried to dial a phone on the move. Even tho I was on a typical urban street with no oncoming traffic I managed to come too close to running into something or just plain running off the road.
I like the t-shirt but as with other "ads" for worthy causes, I imagine it will be a case of momentary feel good left in the dust of going back to bad behaviour.
And no, I don't talk on the phone when I'm driving, I really do pull over and stop. Why risk death and/or serious injury for a simple phone call?
I used to text while driving all the time with my old phone, because I didn't even need to look at the phone to tap out a message on it.
When I got my smartphone with the QWERTY keyboard, I knew there was no way I was gonna be able to text with the thing, yet I'm not surprised to hear folks still do. I rode with a girl one time who kept putting her wrists over the steering wheel and texting with both hands.
Couldn't wait for that car ride to be over with.
7/9/11 8:59 a.m.
This should be a criminal offense. I am sick of dodging drivers who are bent over staring at their crotches. I'm also sick of laying on the horn while young women drift into my lane, or sit at a green light.
Just this week, I watched in horror as a Cavalier drifted up against an 18-wheeler on the highway - at 110 km/hr. At the last minute, he jerked away, back into his own lane. As I passed him shortly afterwards, sure enough, head down, texting. For berkeley's sake, it's time for cell phone blockers in moving vehicles before someone I care about gets killed by this negligence.
7/9/11 9:27 a.m.
i will admit i text while driving but only by voice. i will not touch my phone in my car. all by voice except for 2 buttons on my steering wheel that are used to have the text read to you or sent or place or end a call.
I realised how dangerous Cell phones and driving were years ago. I was driving the Big truck for work and making a delivery.. so I was on the phone to the company I was making a delivery to so they could get people out to meet me.
I ran RIGHT through a red light without seeing it. Thankfully it was for a little used street that deadended onto the street I was on.. or I probably would have run somebody over