Seriously, I hope they didn't hack up a factory turbo for this:
However, as a grm'er, part of me wants to buy it and build a twin-turbo sbc for it and fit massive meats under it and take it to the Challenge. You'd have to get the guy to drop the price to something reasonable though.
Only problem? I'm too bald to grow an effective mullet :(
You're bald on the back of your head? 
Seriously, mullets are better when you're bald/balding. That car is actually kind of awesome...
If you're bald on top but still try to have long hair, what you've got is a skullet.
I don't care HOW cool your twin turbo SBC powered screaming chicken is, there is never any kind of an excuse for a skullet.
Heavy Devy shaved his head the first time he passed a mirror =)
After seeing that ad, I need to go outside and hug my 1979 Trans Am. 
I've seen worse. In fact I think that might clean up nicely, but those wheels need to go.
that kit looks early 80's to me. Someone save that poor thing....
yur gonna need a beasty engine to live up to that body kit 
11/13/11 7:22 p.m.
it has potential to be something interesting in the Road Warrior vein.
I just wonder if the undercarriage hasn't become one with the dirt/grass that's been underneath it since it was parked. It has to be a mess under there. 
so box flares do not make everything better?
Looking at it again, I see Batmobile potential in the lines of the kit. Just need to integrate an after burner, but I think flames out the exhaust would work.
That was a IMSA wide body kit made in the 80's. I like it. I had a '70 Formula 400 at the time and I wanted one. I want it now. And I'd put a big Poncho motor in it. And I no longer have a mullet. Seriously.
11/14/11 9:44 a.m.
I like that T/A. I have an all stock 78, and love it, but I can also appreciate the craziness of that 81.
In reply to novaderrik:
Huh. It'd be a skullet if it weren't dreads.
But I never really noticed the top part before...
Pickles has a dread-over?