I'm not a great cook, but I can fake it with the best of them. My Grand Prix club is meeting up this weekend for a mod day and pot luck BBQ thing. Berk me, I've got to bring something.
Time to dust off another lazy treat.
First, buy this stuff:
Dump the chips in a big pot:
Then glop in some peanut butter. Roughly one to one.
Heat it over medium-low heat, stirring constantly until it is smooth:
Once you get a consistent mix, start folding in the rice krispies.
Keep pouring them in until it can't stands no more.
Slather the stuff into a greased pyrex pan and even it out best you can.
Now throw it in the fridge and leave it alone for a while. I usually leave it overnight but a few hours is probably enough.
When done it will have the consistency of a crunchy fudge. Use a steak knife to cut it into squares and pile them up on a serving platter. Or a hub-cap. It's very rich, like cheesecake, so don't make the squares too big.
That's it. We're done.
So maybe $12, and about 15 minutes of actual work and they will be everybody's favourite. Unless they're allergic to nuts, in which case they'll die.
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