Javelin GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
9/1/11 11:11 a.m.
GrantMLS Reader
9/1/11 11:24 a.m.


Matt B
Matt B Dork
9/1/11 11:38 a.m.

Eeerrrgghhh . . . too . . . much . . . Awwwwesome!

DukeOfUndersteer SuperDork
9/1/11 11:44 a.m.

He has to make another, so he can have dog fights. Would take him right into the danger zone...

chuckles Reader
9/1/11 11:44 a.m.

What must it cost?

Some years ago I saw one of a guy who had built a B-29 which dropped an X-1.

alfadriver SuperDork
9/1/11 12:58 p.m.

if you get one, and find yourself good at flying it... I think we can find a job based on that skill. A very interesting job.

EastCoastMojo GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
9/1/11 1:00 p.m.


cwh SuperDork
9/1/11 1:10 p.m.

He estimated that he had 1500.00 in it. I'm amazed he gets that much power from an electric mini motor.

DrBoost SuperDork
9/1/11 3:40 p.m.

That is way cool. Now, which one of you are going to do the same thing to an R/C car?

Jay SuperDork
9/1/11 3:46 p.m.

Why is the post collapsed? Who downvoted this?

Seeing the lifeless arms of a ken doll coming from your VR helmet "POV" must be way freaky though.

wbjones SuperDork
9/1/11 3:58 p.m.

linky no worky

Donebrokeit Reader
9/1/11 4:05 p.m.

WOW that is cool

Thanks for sharing.

Paul B

Cone_Junky HalfDork
9/1/11 4:11 p.m.
Jay wrote: Why is the post collapsed? Who downvoted this? Seeing the lifeless arms of a ken doll coming from your VR helmet "POV" must be way freaky though.

Cone_Junky HalfDork
9/1/11 5:22 p.m.

Thanks for fixing that link...pure awesomeness

Volksrodden Dork
9/1/11 6:45 p.m.

nice, I have always been a fan of the prop driven plains my self

DirtyBird222 SuperDork
9/1/11 6:57 p.m.

He be must from former Mother Russia. I no no some of say what he.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
9/1/11 7:55 p.m.

that is beyond cool.. now somebody build an RC miata like this so we can do RC autoxing

John Brown
John Brown GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
9/1/11 8:48 p.m.
Volksrodden wrote: nice, I have always been a fan of the prop driven plains my self

Really? I thought they were always a sign of the apocalypse:


friedgreencorrado SuperDork
9/1/11 9:59 p.m.

Well, they ain't ducted fans..but I did find a vid of R/C FPV dogfighting..


I'm w/Doc Boost. 1/5 scale Touring Cars already have onboards, how much work could it be to go full FPV?


HoustonNW New Reader
9/1/11 11:18 p.m.

I thought that I wanted an RC plane forever until I went out with some friends eons ago and was unimpressed. They had a gas powered plane that was fast enough to go almost out of sight too quickly, I lost interest.

This, this takes care of that, I could fly the airplane to the limit of the range of the controller. This might be cooler than that flying shark that is already on my, errr my son's, Christmas list.

gamby SuperDork
9/2/11 12:05 a.m.

I can't believe how awesome that is.

Syncing the camera of the "pilot" to the operator's head is just nuts.

The altimeter reading in the shot is great, too.

This thread title is very accurate.

Drewsifer Dork
9/2/11 12:16 a.m.

I once dreamed of doing something like this some day, but then I never actually got into flying RC planes like I had planned. That is incredible.

jeffmx5 Reader
9/2/11 12:56 p.m.

This one got the attention of some of the media when it was released.


DukeOfUndersteer SuperDork
9/2/11 1:05 p.m.
jeffmx5 wrote: This one got the attention of some of the media when it was released. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9cSxEqKQ78

how does he have the range to allow it to fly? I would think once you get so far away, you lose the ability to communicate/control it

Strizzo SuperDork
9/2/11 1:34 p.m.

In reply to DukeOfUndersteer:

range is basically line of sight. the folks that are doing the really extreme distances are using UHF/VHF video transmitters and i think HAM radio remotes. even a regular 72mhz FM hobby radio has a range of around 2 miles+ line of sight. if you search on youtube for FPV there a lot of videos, most of them are done for the sightseeing/aerial video aspect rather than the scale flight idea, but this vid is definitely cool.

EDIT: the guy that did the NY video brought a lot of attention to the R/C hobby especially as it pertains to this type of flying (FPV). at one point there was a law being considered that would clasify just about any R/C aircraft an unmanned aerial vehicle (AEV) and would cause the hobby to become highly regulated. bottom line is that AMA guidlines suggest never flying out of line of sight or where you can see what the plane is doing, always flying with a spotter in case of video failure, never flying over people or property and limiting flight to a maximum altitude of 400 feet within 2 miles of an active airport or where manned aircraft are to be expected in the same airspace. it appears the F16 video pilot followed all but the spotter requirement in his flight while Mr. NYC broke probably all of those rules making his video.

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