I'm sorry to hear that as well.
Pharma hasn't been unaffected either. I'm in a professional (part-time) MBA program with some Pfizer reps and Pfizer just laid off a substantial percentage of their reps.
bail, michigan sucks. no amount of casinos is going to save detroit.
unfortunately ohio isn't far behind. my uncle and his whole 2nd shift got canned at the kenworth dealer last week, they went into work and got told to berkley off.
Twin_Cam wrote: Sorry to hear that man. Sounds like your area is ripe for moving out of...as sad as that probably is for you.
Yeah, it is sad. Michigan is a nice place to live. No tornado's to speak of like much of the midwest, not mudslides like the west coast, no earthquakes like the oddballs in CA deal with, not even any threat from wildlife unless a white-tail jumping in front of your car scares you (and in case it's never happened to any of you, IT DOES SCARE THE CRAP OUTTA YOU!). Once you get about 60 - 90 minutes north of the state line it get's prettier every mile and the U.P. is staggeringly beautiful. But, for a man trying to support his family, it sucks. I wan't to keep my kids close to grandma's and grandpa's but..........
We had a couple of sisters working at the company last year or the year before. They said a PhD in Michigan qualified you as waitstaff. Why anybody would stay in that situation is beyond me.
I am one of the lucky ones here in Michigan, I actually got a small raise this year. I know too many who have lost their jobs, or were forced to take a pay cut. My sister works in the television industry, and has survived the cuts so far, albeit with a 10% paycut. With approx. 3 out of 5 jobs here in the Detroit area dependant on the auto industry... its ugly... really really ugly.
That being said, keep the low buck stuff coming... playing with cars is still our outlet around here!
Jensenman wrote: My dad says the three businesses to be in are: rental housing (always gotta have a place to live), food (everybody's gotta eat) and booze (no matter how bad things get, people will always drink).
amen! My Liquor delivery company did record sales last month (4 consecutive record months)
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