gamby wrote: In reply to turboswede: This: But apparently it's skewed/embellished
We've had Sharia law in that area for some time now. They don't recognize American laws nor do they allow the police in, they handle it themselves. But it's so bizarre people are saying it can't be true and discount anything that is printed about it. Strangely very little has been written.
I've not been myself and have no desire to go, but I've talked to several people who have been and they've come back shaken and say it's much worse than anything the media has seen fit to publish.
I am up for it if all GRM'ers want to go in and buy the place. How hard would it be to recreate the old F1 circuit through the streets of downtown permanently?
Fueled by Caffeine wrote: Ok. So what do we do now? Burn it?
Wall it off and turn it into a post apocalyptic theme park? I am thinking actors playing raiders and zombies. Arm the guests with paintball guns. Sell t shirts saying "I survived Detroit".
time to fire up the dozers and just plow the whole damn thing down... make it into farmland and prairies.
or just wall it off and make it into a prison colony.. rename it New Australia.
Racer1ab wrote:mndsm wrote:"Gentlemen, here is a city no one's using, I propose we turn it into a street circuit."poopshovel wrote:I got a tenner. Can we re-name it GRM-land?ncjay wrote: How much money does Honda have? Maybe they could buy the whole city. Or Toyota. Dang, that would be funny. For Sale - One major American city, scenic views, needs some work.I GOT FIVE ON IT!!!
let's pass around a hat...
carguy123 wrote: I've not been myself and have no desire to go, but I've talked to several people who have been and they've come back shaken and say it's much worse than anything the media has seen fit to publish.
Hate to feed a troll, but
You're wrong. Speaking as someone who has lived and worked in Dearborn, the anti-Muslim agenda folks love to use the city to incite fear, but the stories are fabricated and embellished.
Detroit will prosper again. Or it won't. Who knows.
Decades of population loss and corruption have led to this. I'm sad to see it, but hopeful that this can be the bottom and it will all be up from here. At least it seems like there are adults in charge now.
bastomatic wrote:carguy123 wrote: I've not been myself and have no desire to go, but I've talked to several people who have been and they've come back shaken and say it's much worse than anything the media has seen fit to publish.Hate to feed a troll, but
I don't know you. You might be sane and you might not be, but I do know my friends who have been up there and I trust what they have had to say.
In reply to poopshovel:
Ahh, purging fire......
I volunteer for sentencing exile.
poopshovel wrote: I call "Sheriff!"
I propose that GRM-land will need to take a page from Dubai's police forces, and patrol in vehicles that are powerful enough to respond to emergencies extremely quickly and/or shut down racers who are a menace to the safety and vision of GRM-land.
As such, I humbly submit my request for my patrol car, pictured here:
When I heard, I was so surprised, I nearly messed my drawers.
Moving back in a month irregardless. I've been going to school there for 2 years (UDM, now transferring to Wayne and living OFF CAMPUS). People think stepping inside Detroit will get you murdered at random. If you're acting like suburbanite with no wits whatsoever, being a dumbass driving at random at night, buying drugs or doing other illegal E36 M3, yeah, dangerous as all hell. If you know where are are, what you're doing, how to deal with insane vagrants, and look like it, I've never had a problem, and I'm so white I almost glow in the dark. Plenty of nice neighborhoods outside of downtown, plenty of places to go, things to eat, etc. plenty of bad neighborhoods and emptiness too. Its a huge place, you've got to personally look around a while to understand it.
Not like we didn't have ample the 1980s.
(and yes, I know the film was about Flint, but all the signs were there)
The real problem has occurred in many cities. White flight, bad economy, entitlements etc result in no income for the city and high costs of operation. I would guess that there are probably more city workers per citizen than would ever be necessary and no one ever had the political balls to do a RIF plus high wages for the relative abilities needed for the position.
Knoxville and Knox County law enforcement got a pension plan adopted that is outrageous in the present economy and it may bankrupt the governmental entities to try to fund it. Bankruptcy just allows the governmental entity to renegotiate the bad deals that it made for itself and start over. The funny thing to me is that the companies that took the hit will come back and work with the governmental entity again. Must be pretty good money in that type of work.
carguy123 wrote:bastomatic wrote:I don't know you. You might be sane and you might not be, but I do know my friends who have been up there and I trust what they have had to say.carguy123 wrote: I've not been myself and have no desire to go, but I've talked to several people who have been and they've come back shaken and say it's much worse than anything the media has seen fit to publish.Hate to feed a troll, but
Sorry, I'm, with Bastomatic here. I've lived in SE MI for almost 20 years. Worked in Dearborn most of that time, spent plenty of time in and around Detroit, still do. Have frineds who live there and visit them, frequent down town businesses etc. Never had an issue in either palce. Yes there are places to not go, but that applies every where.
Back to the bankruptcy, I think this is the best thing that’s happened to the city in 50 years, now there will be a chance to instill some realistic financial goals, planning, contracts and get a whole lot of peoples fingers off of the purse strings. Unfortunately it will mean a whole lot of creditors will lose money and quite likely that a whole lot of honest hard working city employees (yes, most of them are honest people) will lose a chunk of the benefits they’ve worked for and been promised for 10-20-30 years or more. But it’s better than nothing. I have very high hopes for this.
I heard a really interesting article on the radio a few months ago about a guy who wanted to talk to people who may be invested in the future of Detroit and what to do. He decided that registered voters would be good people to start talking too. He was shocked to find that in his apartment complex there were only two registered voters, him being one. This stunned him as it was a newer renovated loft complex with young urban professionals, just the people who you would think would have a vested interest in voting and the city. On further investigation, he found that yes, most of the residents were interested in the future of Detroit and had moved to or back there within the last few years. He also found that the vast majority of them were registered voters……..just not in Detroit. Due to the high cost of insurance etc. they were still registered and using addresses at friends/parents etc. in the suburbs.
Now, I’m not defending these people who are lying about where they live, but it probably helps explain why Detroit has been unable to vote in a city council or Mayor that would actually do something about the financial situation rather than lining their own pockets, pandering to their base and protecting Detroit from the man.
Here's whats going to happen in Detroit. Obama's plane is going to crash in the inner city, and he is going to realize how bad things really are and he will promise to do something about it. But how do we get him out of Detroit?
You already know the answer:
In reply to Adrian_Thompson:
That's pretty interesting about the voter registration actually.
Wayne county, which Detroit is within, is ethically if not economically bankrupt. Until last year, they quietly offered a 5x match for retirement for city workers. And there is the whole Turkia Mullin scandal.
Detroit has really just been open to graft and corruption for the past few decades, it's the political norm now. It was long past time for bankruptcy. Hopefully they can jettison the city council for a more representative group in the process.
The do-over Detroit will be getting will be great.....unless they vote in another Kwame or Young. They voted in a mayor who is now in prison, the city council president vanished/went into hiding and is being accused of some odd things with a young boy, the list goes on.
If they vote more of these folks in, DrBoost Jr. will be posting something similar to this as he readies his car for the 2064 Challenge.
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