Just something else to look at. I wondered what the average income is in the town I grew up in. Mt. Orab, Ohio. It's a kinda poor place, I guess. But not like crazy poor. People work and live in houses. You know. Just small town America.
Average per-capita income is $16,483. That's AVERAGE. But what about the really poor places? Bunch at the bottom of the list I've never heard of. But Felicity is down there. Not a great town. We called it Flee City when I was a kid. Average income is $10,490.
But even those folks are doing well compared to some in America. I looked up Colorado and there are several comuities where the average income is well under $10k.
You can look all over the mid-west and see real life averages under $10k. It's pretty tough out there in a lot of places. And even a full time, minimum wage job with health care is a tough, tough thing to come by in some of those places. And, again, if you have kids, and you're a single parent, don't know how you'd take one if you could find it.
If you google "living on minimum wage" and click the video tab you can see several examples of people showing what it's really like. It's not pretty. Those folks aren't saving for retirement. They're saving for food. And as you can see, they're lucky to have minimum wage.