Woody wrote:
In reply to Sparkydog:
That is not the way that a YardMax fence works. When they break through, they get reminded until they go back in.
Same with our wireless. Once outside that designated area shocks/beeps until they come back in or the battery dies.
6' privacy fence in my yard, no issues with my lab. Doggy door lets him go in/out whenever he likes, so no issues with 1am wake ups.
He has occasionally caught something in our yard and I wake up to a slaughter house scene on my deck tho.
I've done my own fence on approximately 1/2 an acre. Posts from Home Depot plus wire fencing that comes in 50 foot roles. No issues plus easy to repair.
^That would cost time & money and bring down property value in the suburbs.
Took the collar to the office today, they upped the shock on it. It was around 20-25% of max, now its around 45%. Put some flags in the yard to retrain.
Retraining is a bit difficult... he knows exactly where the border is, so its not like he will walk up to it. And its not like he need reminding of it. What I do need him to understand is that it should hurt a whole lot more now.
Invisible fence does offer essentially the yardmax thing now... only shocks beyond the wire, and will shock continuously until he returns. They said I could upgrade to it for $450 or so. If I were staying in this house longer, I would consider. Or if it becomes necessary.