Wow, that was the second website I frequented for lewd internet humor right after Ernie's House of Whoopass.
captainzib wrote: Wow, that was the second website I frequented for lewd internet humor right after Ernie's House of Whoopass.
Indeed.... ehowa then went crazy patriotic and had less crudeness so I left.
EHOWA was good back in the day. Other good ones included stick death and bone your mom(?)
Stick death is still up but nothing new in years
carguy123 wrote: what's an ebaum?
The owners name is Eric Baum, hence Ebaum and ebaumsworld is his website.
awebb wrote:carguy123 wrote: what's an ebaum?The owners name is Eric Baum, hence Ebaum and ebaumsworld is his website.
He's a local Rochester kid who got lucky with essentially a high school side project. He sold out for $$$$$$$$ at the top of the dot com bubble.
carguy123 wrote: but what was his website for?
It hosted links to varied videos, photos, news items and other sites, in general an internet dumping ground. Not everything was SFW.
But sometimes you'd find gems like this (as I did years ago):
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