In reply to Derick Freese :
I appreciate the feedback. I am looking to save some mowing time so might be a good option.
My vote is for a used walk behind. I bought a used snapper pro 5 years ago for 800$, and haven't had a single issue. My yard is too steep for the zero turn, and I'm also too cheap to spend 5k for something I can do for 800 in the same amount of time.
I've got an older Toro 42" Z-master, which was the lower end of the Commercial grade at the time. I bought it off a guy who bought a bunch of equipment to put his son into a lawn business. Two months in the Son bailed and Dad sold all the gear. I paid less than half of a new one and it has been awesome. Don't be afraid to look used. Get it checked out at your local service center to be sure. I added a hitch to mine which os great for moving trailers around the yard.
Not commercial grade but near you and 42"
Thanks canoe.
But since I never updated it. I ended up with the Scag Liberty Z 48". Last year when I looked I was set on the 52" but when I went to buy the one I saw it was sold. They didn't know when/if they'd get another 52" in. Their other store in town had a 48". I went over there, found the 48" was a good chunk cheaper than the 52", and figured in reality it might mean one extra strip in the yard. I told the dude I'd take it, went to pay, and found out Scag was running a discount for my career field. Sweet!
I used to the rest of last season and it's fantastic. I can edge and cut the grass in less than 45 mins. I actually enjoy cutting the grass now. It's probably still overkill for my little yard, but I love it.
I still have our 2008 Dixie but had to replace the old kohler courage 23hp. Bought a 25hp Briggs crate. Came ready to roll. Bolted in, plugged up and was ready to go. The only extra was a new exhaust, but the old 14 year old exhaust was done anyway.
out with the old
in with the new.
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