12/23/09 12:21 p.m.
Looks like we are going to Europe this June. We have up to 3 weeks. I'm thinking we'll fly into the UK, head south through France, and end up in Spain, to leave from Barcelona. Figure roughly a week in each, but probably with a little more time in Spain for the beach.
How do you do this without spending several appendages? Is renting a car the way to go? Is the train/public tans better? Do you plan your stops ahead or fly by the seat of the pants (that's how we like to do our US vacations)? We are thinking we'll stay away from the big Cities for the most part. Wine and hiking are our thing. Any and all tips would be appreciated.
I want to see Highbury and Le Mans. All else is open.
Seek out youth hostels for lodging.
Renting a car will be problematic if you intend to drive the whole way. A lot of car rental companies don't like it if you take the car out of the country (that'll be the UK then) or there is an increased risk of theft (Spain, probably) so you might have to pay extra. Don't forget to add in the cost of the journey from the UK to the mainland.
My suggestion would be to pick out a few places you want to visit, rent a car there and return it at the same place. One way rentals are available in Europe but they tend to be expensive enough to only warrant consideration if you really need a one-way rental.
In France, the trains are superb (TGV for long-distance travel will be faster than either plane or car) and car rental in most places is quite expensive so from a GRM budget point of view, you're better off using the train for longer distances. Keep in mind fuel will be quite a drain on your budget compared to US travel.
One thing that keeps catching people out in France (myself included) is that restaurants are often closed on Sundays unless you go to a chain restaurant, McD or similar. One exception is the restaurant in the Campanile hotel chain. Their restaurants are pretty decent usually and open Sundays.
Trains in the UK - weeeeeell. Unless it gets too warm, too cold, too wet, wrong sort of leaves on the line and the myriad of other excuses, they're bearable. No comparison to France. I'd probably rent a car (well, I'd take the bike as I'm fed up with traffic in the UK). You don't need or want a car if you're only visiting London, though.
No comments on the trains in Spain, never used them.
Also, check with your preferred airlines, it might work out considerably cheaper to book a return ticket to London or Amsterdam and use the cheapo carriers to get you back there from the endpoint of your journey.
Double check with your credit card company if you are planning on using them for car insurance. My future mother-in-law got hosed when she got into an accident in Ireland. The card covered everywhere but Ireland.
Ah yes, that's a very good point - rental car insurance coverage via your credit card is very unusual here in Europe. That said, most of the cars I've rented in the past did either come with insurance (including CDW and that sort of stuff) or it wasn't that expensive.
12/23/09 2:21 p.m.
In my European fantasty trip it's all trains and bicycling. No rental cars - except to drive around the ring.