That's probably the most PC of the jokes I've heard so far. There's plenty of watermelon and fried chicken jokes floating around.
Jensenman wrote: There's plenty of watermelon and fried chicken jokes floating around.![]()
Okay, that's pretty horrifying.
This last dustup and the accusations of racism it brought have started to make me wonder, though: Are there going to be people now who brand anyone who disagrees with our president-elect a racist? I certainly hope not. That cheapens Obama's message, his achievements, and his ability to do what he so very much will need to be doing for the next 4 years. It should be taken for granted that if you are one of those people who think he's an idiot or a bad president, it's because you disagree with the president and his policies. Anything else is beyond despicable.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:Jensenman wrote: There's plenty of watermelon and fried chicken jokes floating around.Okay, that's pretty horrifying. This last dustup and the accusations of racism it brought have started to make me wonder, though: Are there going to be people now who brand anyone who disagrees with our president-elect a racist? I certainly hope not. That cheapens Obama's message, his achievements, and his ability to do what he so very much will need to be doing for the next 4 years. It should be taken for granted that if you are one of those people who think he's an idiot or a bad president, it's because you disagree with the president and his policies. Anything else is beyond despicable. Margie![]()
I don't think so. If someone says "Hes an idiot, I cant get behind any of his policies" I hope they are NOT branded a racist. If they say "Hes a watermelon and fried chicken eating blankity-blank " Then yes, I hope they ARE branded a racist.
Jensenman wrote: That's probably the most PC of the jokes I've heard so far. There's plenty of watermelon and fried chicken jokes floating around.![]()
Yep, I work at a salvage yard, I hear it all day long. If you want to make fun of the guy, make fun of his policies, or what ever you don't agree with him about. Unfortunately, these people have no idea what his policies are, just that he's a "nigger". Fortunately, all of them I have talked to didn't vote. Anyone want to start a poll on how many days it takes me to go postal? Or at least punch some ignorant redneck in his toothless mouth? I can appreciate horribly, horribly offensive jokes, if they're clever(I'm a HUGE GWAR fan), but the watermelon/cotton/fried chicken bullE36 M3 makes my blood boil.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:Jensenman wrote: There's plenty of watermelon and fried chicken jokes floating around.Okay, that's pretty horrifying. This last dustup and the accusations of racism it brought have started to make me wonder, though: Are there going to be people now who brand anyone who disagrees with our president-elect a racist? Margie![]()
A 12 year old from Georgia was on a radio talk show with her parents a few weeks ago. She wore an Obama T-Shirt to school, her mother questioned her heavily before she left asking if she really wanted to do this. Other 12 year olds were calling her a racist "You're a white girl helping a black man".
School Administration got involved and the mole hill grew; I'm surprised The good Rev. Sharpton didn't take up the cause.
I seriously doubt anyone with a brain would take that stance, but on the other hand, the middle aged couple in front of my wife in the voting line were asking her what to do inside the booth. This is not racist, but they had never voted before.
I heard someone make an interesting point: That they really should tone down this whole "first black president" thing. It's great and all, but he is not president because he is black, he will not be a good president because he is black, and if things don't go perfect we certainly don' t need to hear how he is messing things up because he is black. (ignoring the question of "is anybody really black")
I kind of hope he takes a stand and gets rid of this whole "african american" crap (Jessie Jacksons idea). Strangely, he is one of the few people who really almost is "african american" but I think the term is mildly insulting (to them and other citizens).
Basically I think we all need to focus on the fact that HE IS AN AMERICAN. (Of course he is a Hawaiian, so that might be a problem.)
Honestly, I am a bit afraid for him. I am really curious to see if all of the "USA" "Bleed Red White and Blue" kind of people that were backing Bush even in his bad hours will get behind Obama, he IS (or will be) the president.
I would think a little respect might be in order...
If we elected an African Albino, would they be the first Black President? Or the first truly White President?
Edit: and on a further note, I wonder how long it's going to be before presidential campaigning begins 5+ years before the election.
The issue over Barack's race has become big enough to blot out the sun. Really, the whole obsession with race that's been stirred up really disturbs me.
Salanis wrote:spitfirebill wrote: I thought Bill Clinton was a first black president.I bet he's gotten more jungle booty than Barrack...
He was inducted into the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame.
Like I say, we need to start calling him an American, which really is his "race" anyway, or just Mr. President. No one called Clinton an Irish Amercian (or whatever he is).
GameboyRMH wrote: The issue over Barack's race has become big enough to blot out the sun. Really, the whole obsession with race that's been stirred up really disturbs me.
When has our country not been obsessed with race.
Salanis wrote:spitfirebill wrote: I thought Bill Clinton was a first black president.I bet he's gotten more jungle booty than Barrack...
What is jungle booty?
seann wrote:GameboyRMH wrote: The issue over Barack's race has become big enough to blot out the sun. Really, the whole obsession with race that's been stirred up really disturbs me.When has our country not been obsessed with race.
Good point, but it seems to have become a global phenomenon recently.
Marjorie Suddard wrote: Okay, that's pretty horrifying. This last dustup and the accusations of racism it brought have started to make me wonder, though: Are there going to be people now who brand anyone who disagrees with our president-elect a racist? I certainly hope not. That cheapens Obama's message, his achievements, and his ability to do what he so very much will need to be doing for the next 4 years. It should be taken for granted that if you are one of those people who think he's an idiot or a bad president, it's because you disagree with the president and his policies. Anything else is beyond despicable. Margie
It's already happening. I disagreed with his olitics and was called an uneducated redneck racist. I may be uneducated, but I've worked hard to distance myself from redneck. . .
Salanis wrote: If we elected an African Albino, would they be the first Black President? Or the first truly White President? Edit: and on a further note, I wonder how long it's going to be before presidential campaigning begins 5+ years before the election.
already has. . . I started my Bobzilla for Prez 2012 campaign last year.
Bobzilla wrote:Marjorie Suddard wrote: Okay, that's pretty horrifying. This last dustup and the accusations of racism it brought have started to make me wonder, though: Are there going to be people now who brand anyone who disagrees with our president-elect a racist? I certainly hope not. That cheapens Obama's message, his achievements, and his ability to do what he so very much will need to be doing for the next 4 years. It should be taken for granted that if you are one of those people who think he's an idiot or a bad president, it's because you disagree with the president and his policies. Anything else is beyond despicable. MargieIt's already happening. I disagreed with his olitics and was called an uneducated redneck racist. I may be uneducated, but I've worked hard to distance myself from redneck. . .
It's a common rhetorical cheapshot that can be extended to many other things not just racism. I don't think it's mainstream and any thinking person can easily see it's BS. I imagine it must have been infuriating for you though.
Marjorie Suddard wrote: Are there going to be people now who brand anyone who disagrees with our president-elect a racist? I certainly hope not.
Going to be? Back in 2003, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, both Democrats, were already calling republicans racist for wanting to put controls on Fannie Mae, saying that the reason they were doing that was to deny poor black people homes.
ANY disagreement with Democrat policy during the runup to the election was met with cries of being racist. Any time Obama's position on any subject was criticized, it was met with "you're just mad because a black man is going to be president!" you should see some of the non-political forums I've been on where that was the exact stance taken up by Democrat supporters.
I'm personally glad that America as a whole did elect a black president, and hope it can show that there is much less actual racism than is often claimed (and really put an exclamation point on how rapid, overall, American society has gone from whites only bathrooms and back of the bus Negro seating to saying yes, the highest position in the free world is accessable to anyone).
But I've been called racist because I dared counter the "spread the wealth" statements he's made...
aircooled wrote: I would think a little respect might be in order...
Yeah, you'd think that. But you'd be wrong because unfortunately there are a lot of people out there who won't see him for what he is, rather than what he looks like.
I don't care for the policies he has put forth, he is just too socialist for me. That doesn't mean I'm going to call him any racist names.
Chris_V wrote: But I've been called racist because I dared counter the "spread the wealth" statements he's made...
Yup. That's a B.S. argument. People are trying to drop the atom bomb on the discussion by pulling the race card. A bit like the old usenet rules wherein someone compares you to a nazi. At that point the argument is over because it's gone past the point of rationality. Labelling any disagreement with Obama stances as racism isn't using logic and calm discourse to shape politics. Logic and clam rarely factor in but we all strive don't we?
Xceler8x wrote:Chris_V wrote: But I've been called racist because I dared counter the "spread the wealth" statements he's made...Yup. That's a B.S. argument. People are trying to drop the atom bomb on the discussion by pulling the race card. A bit like the old usenet rules wherein someone compares you to a nazi. At that point the argument is over because it's gone past the point of rationality. Labelling any disagreement with Obama stances as racism isn't using logic and calm discourse to shape politics. Logic and clam rarely factor in but we all strive don't we?![]()
Yep, that one is intended to end the discussion. Not recently but in the past I have been told I was 'taking advantage of me because I'm black/Hispanic/Asian/female'. It's meant to pull me up short and make me change the message, meaning someone is playing the race/sex card. Nope, sorry, it's nothing to do with you but everything to do with your car. I have also had women tell me 'I bet you wouldn't tell my husband that's what's wrong with my car'. Got his number? You can stand right there and listen.
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