fifth gear - top gear's less attractive sister - has been canceled.
JoeyM wrote: fifth gear - top gear's less attractive sister - has been canceled.
Less attractive!? What about Vicki Butler-Henderson? She is hot and has great car control.
It had kind of jumped the shark. I'm not sure exactly when, but it was probably about the same time they started having Tom Ford and whats-his-name do the half-witty banter on the couches in the studio.
sucks. i actually enjoyed that show a lot. It was great seeing real reviews of cars and awesome to watch after I had finished a season of Top Gear. Too bad our ratings of torrent downloads here in the states don't count.
I personally never really cared for Fifth Gear, Top Gear is so much better, everything else just seems to try and copy them.
From the article: As one of the few high-profile women motoring experts, she is not likely to be off the circuit for long. Her husband Phil Churchward is series director of Top Gear.
Odds are, it won't be too long before she's in front of the camera again.
It wasn't a perfect show, but it sure was 90% better than just about anything on the Speed/nascrap channel.
I'm sorry to see it go. Tiff and vicki are awesome.
way better than anything on nascar i mean speed. and like i said, they actually reviewed cars and alternatives to how to go about fixing things or doing things to your vehicle. Top Gear has become much more of an MTV2 esque show, where it's purely about the WOW factor, which I don't mind because I love the show, but whatevs. I'm sure another car show will pop up.
Can anyone else see Clarkson & Co. inviting Vicki & Tiff to join the crew as "regular contributors"? I still think the only reason Ms. Schmitz has only been on a couple of times is that she lives 1000km away?
Well, the distance-and the fact that Sabine already has a great job...
I just saw Vicki and Tiff in the trailer for Clarkson's new video so it would not surprise me to see them on Top Gear next season.
wow, whos gonna burn down the Cool Wall now? haha.
Really is too bad, i enjoyed it when it had its stint on Speed, back in the day. Oh well, waiting on the new season of Top Gear...
That is too bad. Last year ( I think) my son and I taked with Tiff at Mid Ohio for the ALMS race. He had a crew and was doing something on the Dryson Aston Martin. He was busy but I did say "Hi" and that I liked his show. Hopefully they both will find soemthing else soon.
I stopped watching it a while back. Some of their segment ideas were interesting, but it was just too topical overall. And the tiny single lane handling course they used recently offended some kind of drawing in the line phobia of mine.
There were a few webisodes recently that were more entertaining than the show. One of the hosts is this weird boffin (does that mean nerd?) that is disturbingly reminiscent of the catholic school girl character off old SNL.
I remember the old TG where Tiff was so mellow and almost Bondly. I think he's mixing the wrong prescriptions, cause for the past decade he's been just so.... excited? Maybe he found a new hobby?
TG could really use some new / old blood. Vicki & Tiff would be great additions. Even Plato is entertaining.
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