So the sliding glass door we use as one of the main entrances to our house needs some help. I have no idea what brand it is.
The rollers are adjust as far out as possible, and the tracks are lubed properly.
Door is still dragging on the ridge in the bottom track.
I think the rollers are just slap ass wore out.
Any ideas? Any way to get parts without taking the whole door out for an unknown length of time, thereby leaving a huge hole in the side of the house?
Figure since im rebuilding the deck the door goes to, I should probably fix the door too.
Yeah, went through this recently. Go to Lowe's and buy the replacement roller set. Take the door out, take the roller assembly out, put the new ones in, put it back together.
So is there only one design of rollers?
I never thought of these as rebuildable. I'll have to look into that for mine.
I'm doing the same thing (well sort of). My glass is fogged, so the glass is getting replaced, and the guy doing that is also replacing the rollers at the same time.
Looked into haveing my foggy door fixed, new door is cheaper. Door will be foggy for awhile....
In my case - the track in the floor had a pot of clams dropped on it and has a huge flat that won't let it roll properly. The fiberglass underneath the tin is also squashed.
Do any of you fine gentlemen happen to know if I can buy a replacement "bottom thingy" the same way or do I need to have a tin smith make me a new one?
Lowes had 3 different rollers in stock, and about a dozen more they could order. Guess it will be dissassemble, take pictures and measurements, reinstall door, get parts, and do it all again.
Unless y'all got a simple solution. Other than get a whole new door.
Depending on price, order all of them and then return the unused ones. At least, that's what I would do 
pop sash out, take a roller set to the store with you to match, get or order new ones. you can pop the sash back in and lock it without the roller so you can go to the store.
They also sell just the roller wheels. You have to then disassemble the old one to replace the wheels. Look closely at how yours adjusts and buy the whole set that looks the same. Or buy just the wheels.
or buy french doors and get rid of that sliding piece of E36 M3.
i can't stand sliding doors.
I would try a good hardware store rather than Lowes. They will have a larger assortment.
I'm gonna side with thunderbirdjon on this one. Doors on hinges do better than doors on rollers (see thread about pocket doors). That said if you stay with sliding door, get the best hardware you can and understand that it's a wear item supporting a (very) heavy piece of glass.
As far as the fogged slider.....the seal is broken, time for a new one.
Well, it's fixed. Couldn't replace just the rollers. I bought every version that the local lowes had.
Not a single damn one was right. Finally found the correct ones. At the Lowe's 30 miles away.
But the berkeleyer is fixed, lubed, and adjusted. Works better than when we bought the house.
6/3/15 7:47 a.m.
jmthunderbirdturbo wrote:
or buy french doors and get rid of that sliding piece of E36 M3.
i can't stand sliding doors.
It's like you read my "how I spent my summer" report from last year. After 8 years of berkeleying around with the 4 sliders on the back of my house which were constantly screwed up (and they were high $$ Andersons) I said berkeley it and pulled it all out (also replaced the sill plate on that wall which rotted after the doors allowed water to infiltrate into the wall)


We even discussed replacing 2 of the doors with windows as we don't use them but after framing in the wall and replacing siding it wound up cheaper to keep the doors.