IT guys make me want to punch babies. I can't do anything on my computer at work because the damn thing is locked down so tight and if I want anything installed or edited on my settings or anything I have to call the IT guy who doesn't even work at our facility and he may get to when he damn well feels like!!!!
/rant over
Just keep calling him over and over and over and over and ov......
Likewise, I'm sure the IT guys hate people that are actually doing work.
all the guys in Improved Touring always seemed OK to me 
3/20/12 9:25 a.m.
Our IT guy is Jane's son. Fits the above description perfectly. PITA, but very good. Just ask him.
Have you ever seen the show "The I.T. Crowd?" It's hilarious if you like British comedy. One of the guys answers the phone (when he cares to pick it up) by saying "Hello I.T. have you tried turning it off an on again?"
Also in the first episode he's really rude to a lady on the phone and she comes and beats the crap out of him.
Rufledt wrote:
Have you ever seen the show "The I.T. Crowd?" It's hilarious if you like British comedy. One of the guys answers the phone (when he cares to pick it up) by saying "Hello I.T. have you tried turning it off an on again?"
Sometimes he just has a recording that says the same thing.
Great show.
Why does that describe every IT department ever?
3/20/12 10:02 a.m.
I can't even delete a desktop shortcut!!!
I once called the IT department at a company I used to work for to ask them if there is an internet connection problem. The guy who answered said, "oh yeah, it looks like it is, my Napster connection is down"... doh!
Let me tell you, I am the IT one and only guy here at work and when we went to Windows 7 people above my pay grade locked down the computer to the point that people really can not do much on them. I HATE it, the amount of time I have to spend doing really simple stuff that users used to be able to do is ridiculous.
The short of it is that I feel your pain and would change it if I could.
3/20/12 11:00 a.m.
I'm lucky in that our IT department wants to lock everything down that tight, and did to my boss' machine, but I had about 10 pages of justification why I needed to be admin on my new machine. In fact, due to having one of the only 64 bit machines in the organization, I ended up being told that I would also be my own support, which is fine by me. So long as I can continue to do my work. Now if they'd only unblock video and phot sites (funny how many online training sites use YouTube for their video feeds).
I am the IT for my company. 
MG Bryan wrote:
Likewise, I'm sure the IT guys hate people that are actually doing work.
No we don't. Locking down installs is understandable to keep you from clicking on the Dancing Bunnies. I'm sure it comes across as a PITA to the minority of users who know a computer from a hole in the ground, but trust me, many users really are that bad. Protip: Look for portable versions of the apps you want to run - but first make sure that installing unauthorized apps won't get you fired, for example if you work in a bank.
As for settings, if you're having trouble doing anything that doesn't involve screwing with drivers, or on XP, messing with your power settings (that is, the things you need admin privileges to do), they've probably gone out of their way to lock you down more than usual which is generally uncalled for.
Easiest thing to do: Put together all the apps you want to install and write down all the settings you want to change, call the IT guy over and have him do them all in one fell swoop.
If it makes you feel any better, he's probably horribly underpaid and overworked, and if he's any good he was probably picked on in school and is unlucky with women too.
GameboyRMH wrote:
No we don't. Locking down installs is understandable to keep you from clicking on the Dancing Bunnies.
Wait, it this a trick? I am so tempted to click on that.
Our IT guy at work is kind of a friend of mine. He does absolutely nothing, takes 2 hour lunches, and "works" from home(usually after a long night of drinking).
Seems like everybody's IT guys are "Peggys"

If this is a alptop... buy your own hard drive from newegg and replace the one in your PC, mount the old disk as a secondary - create a virtual machine on the first disk using the image on the second. Run whatever you want - but leave the VM full screen when you are in the office :)
*posted from my work laptop running Mint Linux
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
If this is a alptop... buy your own hard drive from newegg and replace the one in your PC, mount the old disk as a secondary - create a virtual machine on the first disk using the image on the second. Run whatever you want - but leave the VM full screen when you are in the office :)
*posted from my work laptop running Mint Linux
Yep, good option if you're good with computers. But again, make sure you won't get fired for screwing with your computer - if you work in the financial sector or health care, assume that doing this is highly illegal and will result in immediate termination.