I've had XBox Forza4 since Feb. and still stuck with the XBox controller. Reccomend me a entry level controller? Would be interested if anything exists like an RC car controller since I'm confortable with that.
I've had XBox Forza4 since Feb. and still stuck with the XBox controller. Reccomend me a entry level controller? Would be interested if anything exists like an RC car controller since I'm confortable with that.
Most of us that run in the Forza leagues here on this board run the regular XBox controller (over 95% anyways). As far as I know, the only thing close to what you are talking about is the XBox Speed Wheel. I just bought one at 25% off from Target, and as soon as I get it dialed in on the settings, I'll give it a try.
have you guys seen these? http://technabob.com/blog/2011/11/10/kontrolfreek-thumbsticks/
Seems an interesting way to increase precision of the thumbsticks.
I'be been perfectly happy rocking the regular Xbox controller. Otherwise, id suggest getting a wheel.
It's pretty commonly known in the Forzaverse that the standard controller is as fast as any aftermarket option, including the ridiculous-priced wheels.
The problem is that the analog triggers aren't up-to-snuff on the aftermarket offerings, so not much throttle/brake control. I've set a top-5 time with the standard controller (granted, it was 2 weeks after a leaderboard wipe, but still!) and one of my friends (Jed) can knock out a #1 time at will with a controller.
Wheels are fun, but expensive for ones that work correctly (there are only a few that work well). They also have a learning curve in regards to lap times. I'd probably have bought one when I had disposable income back in the day, but I didn't have the room for it, so I happily rock the controller.
Anything else is substandard IMHO.
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