There has been way too many sad stories regarding our loved furry babies. So here are some pictures of my babies who are alive and well.
Chloe being very cuddly:
...and ready for her glamour shot:
Daphne just lying around:
I'm nuts about these two.
Just a few of the current crew
And last but not least Sylvester
i'm in! we just added Sonny to the family over memorial day weekend. he's a 5 year old husky/retreiver mix.
very smiley
come play with me!
hmm, seems he wants to drive today. i think he'll fit in here just fine.
This here is Bucky, beagle/foxhound just over a year old.
From left to right, Freckles (14 years old), Logan (1 year), Luna (3 years)
Probably the best pets I've ever had (I had some good ones growing up). All the cats are lovely, don't mind being held, and enjoy being pet. Bucky is a good boy but damn does he have a lot of energy!
N Sperlo wrote: Is Nacho missing something? Maybe an eye?
Just a bad photo I think, he's all there. Nacho is the black cat in the photo below the name.
If you meant the Chihuahua in the photo above, his name is nugget and he was just making a goofy face in the photo, his eyes are usuall pretty big. The picture makes me laugh because he looks like he's trying to do a Clint Eastwood impression or something. He's a wierd dog.
A more normal pic of him
Whew. For a minute, I thought you were talking about Furries. I dated one. Nice guy, but, uh, I don't recommend the experience to more mainstream folks. :D
This is Pooka:
She's a manx (natural bobtail), 20 years old (19 in this pic) and all of four pounds. And yes, her eyes really are half of her head...
Only one furry friend here. Her name's Daisy. She's a Shar-Pei/Boxer/mutt rescue. She's roughly a year and a half old at this point.
Daisy at the shelter @8 weeks the day we picked her yup (or possibly the day before):
A month or two later, helping me take the snow tires off the MS3:
Yesterday, trying out her new backpack as part of preparing for some longer hikes:
81cpcamaro wrote: Here is my little one Thomas. Looks innocent but gets into enough trouble for his size.
I'm not sure it's possible for an adult cat to look all that innocent. Much like my parents' Jack Russel Terror Dogs (tm) even when they try to look innocent all you can think of is that they're plotting something.
My beautiful rescue racehorse, Colour:
Spider, looking innocent. He thinks I don't know that he was responsible for the puke in the printer
Weenie, wondering where the water went
I wish I could get some decent pics of my bird.. but the minute I turn on the camera.. she goes from being fun and fluffy to sleak and anxious. I think she can here the ultrasonics
Remy (like the mouse in Ratatouille), much younger than he is now, but pretty much the same personality. The picture doesn't do his size justice. He is either part or all Maine Coon. He is, not including head or tail, about a foot and a half long. It's awesome. He could probably take on most of the dogs in the neighborhood and win
And the teddy bear in the background is my fiancee's. Don't ask, because I don't know either.
This is my buddy Alois Ruf Brownell. He is two years old. Adorable. (He has inner eyelids, so his outers don't close all the way, it makes him look like he has a dead eye. Kinda creepy...but adorable.)
Maggie gnawing some kind of bone we found at the pet store. She's adopted from SWMBO's "shallow" sister that was going to throw her away. Any of y'all with Beagles have any advice for their separation anxiety? In the past, I've always had retrievers of one sort or another, and this stuff is new to me.
Here is Lily hanging out in the race car. We don't know what breed she is, and we get asked a lot. Our best hypothesis is some kind of lhasa and/or havanese mix. We started a game for a while of telling people she was a "Cubanese Bichon" just to mess with them.
This is Toyo, surfing on my girlfriend.
The two of them are good friends. Yes, that's the same dog. We just give her a haircut when the weather warms up.
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