No love for StarCraft? It's a national sport. Also it's cousin Warcraft 2.
I'll play all the Final Fantasies to death (including VIII) but those are more as art type games.
Also karate champ for nes.
System Shock - the first one. Fantastically immerse. Works well on DOSBox these days. Get the CD version for the enhanced audio.
tb wrote: In reply to mndsm: Sorrytrue story time: When I first purchased my PS3 Katamari Forever was the first game I snatch off of the shelf in the used game section. Shooting me a sideways glance, the clerk asked "Do you know what that is?" I enthusiastically replied in the affirmative. "Good" he replied "Otherwise I would have to warn you about the music!" full disclosure; I never got to Katamari this afternoon being sidetracked by a replay of Final Fantasy IX.
Side story- my FIRST copy of Katamari Damacy for PS2 was stolen. I lucked into a copy mothballing on a shelf in a GameStop. The sales dude was SHOCKED it was there. The disc was rough, but it still played.
Forever kinda pissed me off- it was a rehash of all the other ones- I mean, it's not bad as a "best of", but when you own LITERALLY all of the other Katamaris (I bought a PSP for the sole purpose of Katamari, and spent the next 3 hours chasing used copies of we <3 Katamari.... or whatever it was called all over the metro) it was kind of a waste of 60$. Because of course, I ordered it new and had it on release day.
friedgreencorrado wrote: Any Suikoden fans here?Hell, I even liked 4.
I've got the 1st one and I really liked it back in the day. trying to recruit all 108 characters was a lot of fun.
I have a TON of JRPG's for the PS1 and PS2.
I played a lot of metroid and the original mario brothers when they first came out back in the day. Then I got completely sucked into Rainbow Six and Goldeneye much, much later. I just never seem to have the time to play much anymore.
I have logged countless hours into about half of the FF franchise. That said, the only ones I will still play is 2 on my phone and I will consider the remaster of 10(coming soon on PS3) and the fabled remaster of 7(PS4?)
I can still rock out some GTA-VC
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