Was it always like this? I'm watching them take an ATV and basically make a jeep out of it. Seriously. They bought a new Polaris Razor ATV and they are adding sound systems, LED lights winches and a bunch of other crap to this vehicle. Whats the point? I guess people modify these ATVs like this? Seems ridiculous.
They did some silly Skype thing with the duplicolor people. Argghh, I can't take this contrived product placement crap, is that all these shows are anymore?
Yeah, as far as I can remember product placement has been a big part of the shows. As far as ATVs, that would just be an extension of the off-road shows they did.
yeah. it's been about a year... and all the "all new episodes" that they've been showing all summer have been repeats..
about the only real high point since they reshuffled everything was when Ian built a rollcage worthy of a rock crawler in a NASA spec Focus rally car..
Those shows have always been product placement......and the UTV craze of the last few years is due to more people buying them as dedicated off road vehicles than building trucks/SUVs to do the same. Heck, a Kawasaki Terex or Polaris RAZR are both a cross between a trophy truck, quad, and rock crawler. They're also great for narrower trails.
yamaha wrote: Heck, a Kawasaki Terex or Polaris RAZR are both a cross between a trophy truck, quad, and rock crawler.
And cost about the same as those combined.
Ranger50 wrote:yamaha wrote: Heck, a Kawasaki Terex or Polaris RAZR are both a cross between a trophy truck, quad, and rock crawler.And cost about the same as those combined.
Haha no a Teryx is about $15k and an RZR is about $20k (OW!). While you could buy a good few quads for that price, it's tough to build a trophy truck or rock crawler for under 6 digits. And you definitely can't BUY one for under 6 digits.
Those side by sides are bigger than an original Jeep.
Here is a comparison
1946 Willys Jeep vs John Deere Gator! - Dirt Every day: http://youtu.be/fgGm0mA1FLY
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