I think a lot of the division comes from the local populace and spreads more rapid than many believe . . .
Many people in my neighborhood would issue a call to the police before just asking. Our HOA president specifically indicated he would call the police for any/all issues . . . .
Strike_Zero wrote: And that's what I'm getting at . . . When a few lives matter peeps gather in the same way as the open carry peeps, they are called protesters. There was a lives matter event here in Cola in one of parks. It was music, speakers, people from the community, LEOs, local politicians, etc . . . It was pretty upbeat. I know I had a good time meeting with people from the community and officials to discuss issues that affect all of us . . . And what was it called . . . A protest. Even though we specifically put rally in the title . . .
In that instance, I blame the news industry.
PROTEST!!!, sells better than Rally.
New isn't about news anymore. It's about viewer numbers. No one in the news industry cares about your rally unless it's called a protest and E36 M3 gets burned.
The reasonable just shake their heads and read between the exclamation points. The rest of the population sucks it up like a drunk a drink.
Strike_Zero wrote: I think a lot of the division comes from the local populace and spreads more rapid than many believe . . . Suspicious Activity Many people in my neighborhood would issue a call to the police before just asking. Our HOA president specifically indicated he would call the police for any/all issues . . . .
About 40% of my neighborhood is black. This isn't the ghetto. To my knowledge, we don't have the adversarial relationship that some areas have.
Unfortunately, the leadership of some communities promote that tension, rather than trying to bring communities together. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton haven't helped any more than the media has. They, just like the news media, only make money when there is strife. I feel they promote tension more than solve the issues. We, as a society, need to stop listening to the racist. All of them, on both sides of the issue. MLKs assassination was a disservice to the entire nation.
Now, I'm a white, conservative, Southerner, so feel free to disagree.
Edit: Let me add, I don't blame just the black leaders, but all of them. The politicians play us against each other for votes. The whites, to keep their communities white, the blacks to keep theirs black. Even the Hispanics get into it. It's human nature to be comfortable with who you are and dislike the different. Jesse and Al are just in the news more so they make good examples.
Jeese and Al aren't ranked high on my list either They are in the positin to do MUCH more, but choose only line their pockets.
Many are just waking up to that . . .
Something which gets forgotten a lot: in terms of raw numbers, more whites are shot by police than blacks.
Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage
Meanwhile, the deaths of whites at the hands of law enforcement typically receive less attention, even when the case is shrouded in controversy. For example, Gilbert Collar, an 18-year-old white student at the University of South Alabama, was shot and killed while naked, unarmed and under the influence of drugs by a black police officer.
The officer, Trevis Austin, was cleared of wrongdoing in 2013 by a Mobile County grand jury in a case that received little media coverage outside Alabama. Mr. Collar’s parents filed a federal lawsuit last year against the officer.
As researchers are quick to point out, FBI data on police shootings by race is notoriously incomplete, which may explain why Peter Moskos, assistant professor at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice at the City University of New York, decided to use figures from the website Killed by Police.
Based on that data, Mr. Moskos reported that roughly 49 percent of those killed by officers from May 2013 to April 2015 were white, while 30 percent were black. He also found that 19 percent were Hispanic and 2 percent were Asian and other races.
His results, posted last week on his blog Cop in the Hood, arrived with several caveats, notably that 25 percent of the website’s data, which is drawn largely from news reports, failed to show the race of the person killed.
On a percentage of the population basis, blacks are more LIKELY to be shot than whites. The thing is, when whites are shot the media doesn't show up from everywhere in the country, it's probably gonna get 1, maybe 2, short blurbs in the paper. Perfect example, less than 3/4 mile (as the crow flies) from my house: http://www.wistv.com/story/28854603/59-year-old-florida-man-in-lexington-officer-involved-shooting-dies
What's the explanation?
Curmudgeon wrote: http://www.killedbypolice.net/ On a percentage of the population basis, blacks are more LIKELY to be shot than whites. The thing is, when whites are shot the media doesn't show up from everywhere in the country, it's probably gonna get 1, maybe 2, short blurbs in the paper. Perfect example, less than 3/4 mile (as the crow flies) from my house: http://www.wistv.com/story/28854603/59-year-old-florida-man-in-lexington-officer-involved-shooting-dies What's the explanation?
Thats odd, I had not heard of this incident and I'm only 80 miles away. And I could possibly be rated to the dead man.
In reply to Toyman01:
Yeah, but WHICH leadership?
Here's what gets me: I hate to see ANYONE shot. I don't like seeing ANYONE die. It just bugs me that if a black guy gets shot and killed by a cop then the whole city will go up in flames, there's cries of 'overpolicing minorities' and 'racial injustice' and you name it.
OTOH, if I get shot by a cop nothing will happen. The paper will report it once, maybe twice, then it will just disappear. My family will suffer every bit as much as the family of the black person, but otherwise no one will give a rat's ass. There won't be a bunch of my friends and acquaintances burning down a CVS and an old folk's home over it.
ALL lives matter, not just [insert your favorite group here]. But they damn sure aren't treated equally.
spitfirebill wrote:Curmudgeon wrote: http://www.killedbypolice.net/ On a percentage of the population basis, blacks are more LIKELY to be shot than whites. The thing is, when whites are shot the media doesn't show up from everywhere in the country, it's probably gonna get 1, maybe 2, short blurbs in the paper. Perfect example, less than 3/4 mile (as the crow flies) from my house: http://www.wistv.com/story/28854603/59-year-old-florida-man-in-lexington-officer-involved-shooting-dies What's the explanation?Thats odd, I had not heard of this incident and I'm only 80 miles away. And I could possibly be rated to the dead man.
spitfirebill, if he turns out to be related to you I'm sorry you had to find out this way.
I would like to point out this is also a perfect example of what I'm getting at; it certainly did not make the national news and it never will.
In reply to Curmudgeon:
I don't think it's really forgotten. The media does focus on it, because ratings. Some people STRONGLY believe that if you get beaten, shot, or jailed by the cops is because you did something to deserve it.
Sensationalistic journalism doesn't find it unimportant, because ratings.
One of my speaking points when I'm to talking friends is this is an "everyone" issue. All are free to join others in rallies against police brutality . . . But they are afraid to protest . . . Even though, I never said protest . . .lol
Getting shot by a cop doesn't necessarily mean someone deserved it. The Scott shooting down in North Chuck is a perfect example of that, so those who think the person shot is at fault every time are dead wrong.
As an aside: the next time someone says we Southerners are backwards uneducated idiots, they need to consider this: the cop was fired and charged with murder almost immediately and the protests were peaceful. No looting, no burning. That part of North Charleston is every bit as poor etc as any place I've ever seen, so the excuses that have been used elsewhere that the protests were really about the poverty and desperation more than the shooting don't hold water (at least not down here).
The news media covered the Scott shooting but it seems they were unable to fan the flames so they gave up and moved on. If it sounds like I have a grudge against the so called news outlets in this country, well yeah. I have multiple reasons to seriously distrust the news media, that whole episode was just one more.
Police brutality does exist and yes it is an 'everyone' problem. It needs to be rooted out and squashed, that will take time. In fact, it is and has been an ongoing thing; read Upton Sinclair's 'The Jungle' to see what it was like circa 1906/7 and honestly it may never be stamped out entirely. I also know that there are a massive number of 'good' police interactions that go unreported every day; since they aren't newsworthy they are forgotten.
I'd like to see bad cops get what's coming to them; I also want it to be done within the framework of the law. Just as with anyone arrested, they are innocent until proven guilty. Instead, we get people hollering 'no justice, no peace' 2 hours after something happens which is shorthand for 'put that damn cop in jail right now, there's no way what he (or she) did is justified'. That's not justice, that is mob rule. It's exactly what this nation was NOT founded in. Perfect example: in Ferguson the grand jury refused to indict Wilson based on the evidence and damn if the looting and burning didn't start all over again. Of course we are told the protesters didn't do that and it's quite possible that is correct. But again it was used by thugs as an excuse.
I don't even pretend to have the answers. I just know looting and burning ain't it. Uneven media coverage ain't it, either.
Ok media, time to prove you're not biased, lets see some more coverage of this please: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/2-mississippi-officers-fatally-shot-during-traffic-stop-1.3068340
Trans_Maro wrote: Ok media, time to prove you're not biased, lets see some more coverage of this please: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/2-mississippi-officers-fatally-shot-during-traffic-stop-1.3068340
Who is going to be held responsible for the nearly certain spike in attacks on police, and their deaths?
It's going to get a lot more interesting before it gets better. There are a lot of people out there who have been completely disenfranchised by our system... and they are sick and tired of it
ronholm wrote:Trans_Maro wrote: Ok media, time to prove you're not biased, lets see some more coverage of this please: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/2-mississippi-officers-fatally-shot-during-traffic-stop-1.3068340Who is going to be held responsible for the nearly certain spike in attacks on police, and their deaths?
I've already seen one asswipe on another forum imply that cops are being killed in retaliation for their perceived overpolicing of certain neighborhoods.
Those two cops are the 9th and 10th to be shot and killed this year. One was 34, leaves a wife and two young kids. The other was 24 and fresh out of the police academy. I'm thinking it's time we law abiding citizens went and burned a CVS and an old folks' home.
mad_machine wrote: It's going to get a lot more interesting before it gets better. There are a lot of people out there who have been completely disenfranchised by our system... and they are sick and tired of it
You know, this is correct. What is the answer? There is no one size fits all. I will say that the answer starts with someone saying 'enough of this E36 M3, it's time I got something better than I grew up with' and then they act on that. And no that does not mean looting, burning, killing cops etc.
In reply to Curmudgeon:
I think what you are seeing is "Enough of this E36 M3". When something hurts me and makes me angry, like having the wrench slip off a bolt - my first reaction is to kick it even if I break my foot. I know it's pointless. Everyone does. That does not mean that I'm not going to do it again.
Someone with vision and common pain points needs to lead and channel the rage into some productive end rather than just lashing out in anger if things are going to get better. Otherwise, it's a series of tantrums and not a movement for change.
There is an opportunity here to amass a great deal of respect, power, and then be assassinated while making a speech! The American Dream! Who wants the job? I'd apply but I'm more of a ruthless dictator type.
ronholm wrote:Trans_Maro wrote: Ok media, time to prove you're not biased, lets see some more coverage of this please: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/2-mississippi-officers-fatally-shot-during-traffic-stop-1.3068340Who is going to be held responsible for the nearly certain spike in attacks on police, and their deaths?
Whomever is arrested for the crime?
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: In reply to Curmudgeon: I think what you are seeing is "Enough of this E36 M3". When something hurts me and makes me angry, like having the wrench slip off a bolt - my first reaction is to kick it even if I break my foot. I know it's pointless. Everyone does. That does not mean that I'm not going to do it again. Someone with vision and common pain points needs to lead and channel the rage into some productive end rather than just lashing out in anger if things are going to get better. Otherwise, it's a series of tantrums and not a movement for change. There is an opportunity here to amass a great deal of respect, power, and then be assassinated while making a speech! The American Dream! Who wants the job? I'd apply but I'm more of a ruthless dictator type.
I get this. it makes sense that people in a crappy situation (poverty) are going to be simmering, just waiting for that one chance to show the world. The problem is, it does nothing but make the situation worse. And I am in no way speaking against the peaceful protesters; they have every right and honestly I agree that the truth of what happened in that paddy wagon needs to come out. But we will put that aside for a moment.
What I'm talking about is the life in poverty that seems to be turning into a generational thing. This country may not be perfect, but it damn sure offers a lot of opportunity for those willing to take a shot at it. This guy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Gardner could have just stayed impoverished and homeless but he chose not to. Sure, not everyone is going to go as far as he did, but the same attitude can take someone out of poverty. Maybe they wind up working a $15 an hour job but dammit that beats hanging around the 'hood, doing nothing to better oneself.
z31maniac wrote: Whomever is arrested for the crime?
Because its systemic violence inherent in the system when it is against a person of certain skin-color, but it is a one off thing when it is against the police, amirite?
Curmudgeon wrote: Those two cops are the 9th and 10th to be shot and killed this year. One was 34, leaves a wife and two young kids. The other was 24 and fresh out of the police academy.
Unfortunately there are those already trying to make Hay out of this. My cousin is one of them. He is an ex-prison guard (now works for the DMV, go figure) and to hear him talk it is all "Us against them" with no middle ground.
Thankfully he never passed the psychiatric evaluations to be a cop.. or he would have been one of those to shoot somebody because he was too lazy to run after them
mad_machine wrote:Curmudgeon wrote: Those two cops are the 9th and 10th to be shot and killed this year. One was 34, leaves a wife and two young kids. The other was 24 and fresh out of the police academy.Unfortunately there are those already trying to make Hay out of this. My cousin is one of them. He is an ex-prison guard (now works for the DMV, go figure) and to hear him talk it is all "Us against them" with no middle ground. Thankfully he never passed the psychiatric evaluations to be a cop.. or he would have been one of those to shoot somebody because he was too lazy to run after them
Is it okay to make hay out of shooting civilians but not okay to make hay out of shooting cops?
Me, I'd rather not see anyone get shot. I'd like to see equal outrage when either happens. But it's not that way, it turns out that cops appear to be viewed as expendable. In that situation I think I'd get outraged too.
Curmudgeon wrote: it turns out that cops appear to be viewed as expendable
You are joking, right? We had two cops shot (1 killed) here in PA by a "lone gunman" that turned into a 48 day, $11 million dollar manhunt that had helos in the air, local, state, fed and military combing forests and violating all kinds of private property laws, blocking roads and playing with all the black ops toys.
If it was you or I that got shot they would have looked around for a day or two... then went home. Expendable, please. Let's be serious here. It was a terrible crime. As terrible as any of the unsolved murders they didn't put much effort into at all. Because, not one of them.
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