New Reader
9/14/08 12:21 p.m.
Why is it that I can find the entire GRM issue interesting, yet the only interesting topics on the message board are in the of topic section?
Doesn't someone have something that is GRM related they want to talk about?
When the message board changed formats I didn't even register for a few months because I usually don't find the board lives up to the magazine. Is it just me?
What don't you find interesting? It is a (very general) car forum, which tends to be focused on more inexpensive (or should I say bang/buck) rather than bleeding edge billion dollar stuff, so questions/help tend to be asked of the other users on their insert below $5k here. I mean if somebody would want to read my section of the newsletter for Rallye Defi I just wrote up I'd throw it on here but I would hazard it is a fairly narrow audience I am targeting! Be part of the solution if the boards are boring. I find them to be a wealth of knowledge and enjoy reading about the first hand experience that users have insert vehicle here rather then the usual keyboard mechanics on other forums.
9/14/08 12:40 p.m.
The main board is more useful, the off-topic is more entertaining.
I find the board back up to speed for the most part.
In general, the internet has more, better and more comprehensive information than a given magazine. (And also more bad information, stuff to wade through, etc,)
jamscal wrote:
The main board is more useful, the off-topic is more entertaining.
Hey, I just started a thread on the GRM side about drifting my Miata for the first time, as compared to drifting a Z3 M.
New Reader
9/15/08 4:40 p.m.
Well, it is good enough that I read it at least once a day I guess. I think I just have high expectations because I enjoy the magazine so much. How many "school me on [insert car name here]" threads can one read?
LOL, yeah, I think there are too many of those but MOST of those are for cars other than E3xs and Miatae so we help them out.
This time of year there are a LOT of Challenge based topics that are redundant but all in all I think the MAIN board is a good resource.
I prefer to read through the new posts on the MAIN then whore a while on this board then check on all the other boards after that,
With the new latest topics feature i cross them all alot.
And who knows, if you ask the right questions you might even get some help on that little screaming Mini of yours.
You need a picture of theat little monster cutting cones for your avatar. Too bad we didn't get a pic when you were up on two wheels.