I getting the really bad idea for wirtig something for this board. The idea started out a couple of months ago after reading the message boards for two many hours and then ging home and reading a robotech fan fic peice. I then went to bed and thats where the idea started.... Filling in for the charaters in the fic where members of this board and now I have to write the idea out and see where it goes. I have idea for people and need some help fleshing out a plot and extra cast members and if anyone minds thier board name being used for a parady story. yes, the first ever GRM Fan fic....
The story opens up with a new ship being launched to explore the galaxy... the crew is coming aboud and getting ready to lanch the ship(black neavy in space). Introducing the crew members and what they do is going to fun. But rememer this is a parady story.....anyone used is being based on jokes and board names mostly.
crew listing that i have in mind right now. captain- guido the clown(captain clown)--with clown makeup, wig and nose and big shoes(this could be really funny or very scary depending on what you think of clowns.
redneck politcal officeier- clem--not sure why but he just seems to be a redneck.
pilot- wally-- he's a bus driver anyway.
cheif engineier- split between deny and andy-- the idea of them building the only working fusion reactor out of a bunch of blocks and parts from small block chevy motors if nothing else.
hotshot lead pilot- matt science(mad science matt)--its just seems to work fot he name.
the running joke of the story--- there was a pic that someone posted of thier wife working on a miata a while back. the thought that keeps coming to mind is that she is the wife of matt in the story and for some reason no one know her name, not even listed in the computer, they just end up refering to her as the miata girl with the running joke of no one knows her name. I am sorry for the running gag with it but it will not leave my head for the idea though.
the chief tech- keith-- being the miata guru he is it make sence after reading more...
admirlal- per -- the head of all this mess and giving the orders to get out of his sight....
something about the idea of someone standing in the counrer and its the black stig some how comes to mind and I can not figure out of to get the stig joke in there though.
other people and places i need filled are the bridge bunnies( 3 spots) you can not do space show with them, Cag, head of the marnies, a number one, sensors, the head doctor, the lead pilot of the bomber group, and anything else i can think of, how to get the grm crew into this beyond one spot. a name of this ship, a plot..... and bad guys....sigh..... i do have the opening already to go with introing the cast to everyone and comments about how we are so screwed with this new ship that was biult out of the remains of other ships and to many scraps used.
the lead fighter craft is easy to deal with.....
combat bombers for support are ford mustangs.....(can not figure out why though)
a scene...
"This is Captian Clown of the starship (need name) and we are here to pick up some of are peronal that crashed on your planet." said the image on the screen of the presidants office. "Is this for real sending a clown to deal with me?" asked the president to his staff turing around in his chair and glaring at them. "Yes sir, there is a ship in orbit and thats where the transmission came from." answered the staff member.
sorry, thats all i could think of right now.
(ducks all the flamming wreakage thats going to be tossed his way and makes sure the water hose is ready to put out the fires and the bunker is ready to with stand the nukes)
it evil and insane, but it will not leave me alone until i write this thing.