Yes, Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. And remember, if you start carving your turkey and there's, like, NO meat on the breast... try turning it over before you call the Butterball hotline. (Nothing ever erases the memory of your first own roast turkey.)
And starting tomarrow I will only mildly dislike X-mas music, instead of the full blown hate I have for it at this point.
And make sure you listen to "Alice's Resturant" I had a chance to go see Arlo Guthrie live last year, it was awsome.
It is a Family tradition to play it at Noon on Thanksgiving. In Dayton the local rock station plays it at noon.
neon4891 wrote: And make sure you listen to "Alice's Resturant" I had a chance to go see Arlo Guthrie live last year, it was awsome.
Arlo's still touring?
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! If you have any room left after dinner, head on over here for some Pie!
Thanksgiving is in October!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our friends south of the longest undefended border in the world!
neon4891 wrote: Is that Maple candy in the pie?
That's bits of pie crust that I cut into leaf shapes and put in the center.
I got to work along the parade route yesterday. I've never seen it before and would never go on my own, but it was nice to show up ten minutes before it starts and be able to stand infront of someone who camped out since tuesday for a good spot. Hopefully next year I will get to work somewhere quieter though.
Wish I knew you were at the parade, Wally. We taped it so we could watch it during dinner. A friend of my wife's was holding down SpongeBob. We never saw her. Once we watched the entire program, we deleted it.
I wasn't on tv, My mom checked closely. It was cool getting to stand in the street as the parade went by. 57 street is pretty wide and had a good crosswind so when the balloons approached the supervisor would yell to the people with the balloon to get towards one curb and run through the intesection so they didn't get blown to far off course. It looks like more work than I thought but everyone doing it looked like they were having the time of their life.
In reply to Marjorie Suddard:
That happened the first time I roasted a chicken. It looked perfect on top, but strangely no meat.
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