I've seen Gofundme used for bull like I want a new fixed gear bicycle or I want to make potato salad, but has anyone ever used it for a noble cause?
friend of SWMBO was recently diagnosed with cancer had a mastectomy and is about to start chemotherapy. She's also sickeningly nice. Like if I told you all the selfless things she did, you wouldn't believe me. She's a special needs teacher and foster mom. She was instrumental in our move to Seattle, letting us live rent free in their house for months until we could get established.
I've decided that I want to help in some way. I have long hair and have decided to cut it all off and have a quality wig made for her. These kinds of real hair wigs cost around a grand to make and I'm roughly a grand short. I figured I'd start a Gofundme page and beg for money, but I'm not much for begging.
Has anyone ever set something like this up? Tips? Encouragement? Discouragement?
It can be used for noble causes and has been by people on this board (someone on here was trying to pay for surgery for their dog in one, and one was set up for a tuition fund for Curmudgeon's daughter, off the top of my head).
If you're not happy with the fees, look into Generosity, by the people behind Indiegogo. I always wonder why that site hasn't taken a big chunk out of GoFundMe.
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