I think I'm ok living where it gets down to -45*C if I get the same weather in the summer minus the hail. Suck it Calgary!
Years ago, my grandparents left the BC Okanagan/Shuswap to the "better weather" in Calgary. Yeah. Right. I think that was the year you guys had a tornado....
We went through the big hail storm at Sturgis in '09. Softball size elsewhere. We were lucky and only had golf ball size, for about 20 minutes straight. The bikes that got hit bad looked like someone took a baseball bat to them. That's pretty bad, as Harley's are made of real steel.
Did I ever mention I got kinfolk in Red Deer?
SkinnyG wrote: Years ago, my grandparents left the BC Okanagan/Shuswap to the "better weather" in Calgary. Yeah. Right. I think that was the year you guys had a tornado....
The Okanagan is beautiful and the weather is amazing, it just gets so dry (and sometimes a tad too hot). And then the winters aren't too cold either, but tons of snow. I wouldn't leave there for Calgary though, unless they were after the big city life.
Dr. Hess wrote: We went through the big hail storm at Sturgis in '09. Softball size elsewhere. We were lucky and only had golf ball size, for about 20 minutes straight. The bikes that got hit bad looked like someone took a baseball bat to them. That's pretty bad, as Harley's are made of real steel. Did I ever mention I got kinfolk in Red Deer?
I believe you have haha. And yes, this was baseball sized hail in southern Alberta.
Did hail just blow off part of it's tail!?!? Damn Canadian weather, you scarey.
Sure did
This is the first video I've saw of it baseball sized. Its almost comical how they bounce since they are so large
In reply to HiTempguy:
Love those YouTube comments as always. Someone posts a video of giant destructive hailstorm and one of the first comments I see is telling them it was sent by Jesus because they left Christmas lights up in July.
You do realize, TJ, that comments like that are usually posted by people trying to make Christians look bad, not by people that actually think that. It is the new trait of the left.
LOL, I certainly didn't think a comment like that was made with any seriousness, although, there are folks out there that may actually think like that.
yamaha wrote: *seen![]()
You are correct. However, I am fine with the fact that using saw improperly does not make me sound as nearly as bad of a slack jawed yokel as using seen improperly does.
On top of that, saw is the correct word about 90% of the time. I love it when people try to correct me with seen, because typically, one again, they sound like ignorant hillbillies.
I find it very interesting that I can vote up some of the replies in this thread, but not all of them. I wonder if there is a reason for that?
Dr. Hess wrote: "Once again..."
I'm on a roll today! That was just a typo, plane and simple (see what I did there?)
Around 1999 or 2000 I had to go to Bowling Green, KY for business. I got there the day after a baseball size hailstorm. Every car in town was missing some or all glass, and sides of houses looked like swiss cheese with cannonball sized holes peppered all over the place. Most bizarre thing I've ever seen.
Dr. Hess wrote: You do realize, TJ, that comments like that are usually posted by people trying to make Christians look bad, not by people that actually think that. It is the new trait of the left.
You do realize, Dr. Hess, that it's a joke and was actually pretty funny. Lacking humor is a new trait of ... well, I'm not sure who. Certain individuals, let's say. I don't subscribe to some false left/right dichotomy.
Appleseed wrote: Did hail just blow off part of it's tail!?!? Damn Canadian weather, you scarey.
I dunno,not many of us canucks have their houses blown away every yr so I'll take the snow and cold.
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