We've had woodchucks terrorizing our neighborhood for the past few years. My neighbor is starting a garden so decided to try to trap them and send them to re-education camp. So far he's caught six, found one dead one who we think died of fright or lung cancer, and there's one more that we've seen scurrying under my woodpile. He'll eventually go off to camp too. Here are numbers two and three and the one who won't be going to camp. Traps do work.
If you kill it, it will just be replaced by one of the other 452,398 groundhogs in the adjacent areas.
Try repellent? You can drop a smoke bomb down one hole until it runs out another hole. Then line each hole with something they hate. Axle grease works, especially when you coat a good smear on the ground and cover it with Tabasco. I heard artificial wintergreen flavoring works well.
But, by all means, if you're going to shoot it, do it right. .308 or 30-06 makes sure they don't suffer. Also much more accurate at longer distances.
coyote piss
Also all you guys mentioning dogs need to inform my pomeranians that it's supposed to be big dogs doing it. Because they DO NOT like rodents of any shape, and that includes the groundhog that they were trying to pull through the fence into their pens.
When I lived in the old part of town with dirt floor stables behind the houses groundhogs were a nuisance until I adopted an Airedale mix. After that, I just needed to keep a box of trash bags & a shovel near the garage. Every now & thenI'd hear a growl, a squeal & a 'snap'.,
So far I've "rehomed" six pups about 15 miles from here at a protected forested area where there are no homes or properties to ruin. Haven't gotten momma yet. Fingers crossed tomorrow.
Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) said:But, by all means, if you're going to shoot it, do it right. .308 or 30-06 makes sure they don't suffer. Also much more accurate at longer distances.
That's a little expensive and excessive. If .22 LR will dispatch armadillos with ease, I don't know why they wouldn't take down a groundhog?
My brother's and my record has stood at 17 armadillos in one night for close to 2 decades, they were taken with a Ruger 10/22 and a Winchester 290. I don't remember what exact ammo, but considering we were in high school, it was probably the cheapest bulk 40 grain Walmart had. Remember when kids could buy ammo at Walmart?
Granted, I don't think I've ever shot a groundhog, they exist in the state, but thankfully they're not prevalent near me. I'll spare y'all the plethora of other nuisance animals I've dispatched with a .22, but growing up on a farm, you do what ya gotta do, and I have no doubt that .22 will humanely do the job. If it makes you feel better, get some hot CCI Stingers or Remington Yellow Jackets.
I don't think I'd waste more than a .22 WMR on one of these varmints.
Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) said:If you kill it, it will just be replaced by one of the other 452,398 groundhogs in the adjacent areas.
Try repellent? You can drop a smoke bomb down one hole until it runs out another hole. Then line each hole with something they hate. Axle grease works, especially when you coat a good smear on the ground and cover it with Tabasco. I heard artificial wintergreen flavoring works well.
But, by all means, if you're going to shoot it, do it right. .308 or 30-06 makes sure they don't suffer. Also much more accurate at longer distances.
At 90 yards a 30-06 will split a groundhog in half.
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