I never had an Atari as a kid, but my cousins did. I was so jealous. We got a VIC-20 instead, and that probably served me better over the long run :)
I pre-ordered a 2600+ when it was announced and picked up a few vintage cartridges on eBay. I haven't really got into modern gaming - I did get a PS2 to play Gran Turismo and I played Doom a lot in university - so the fact that there's more realism available doesn't really matter. I want an easy-to-play short distraction, not a commitment. I'm looking forward to Ms Pac Man and Asteroids and my wife insisted on Frogger.
In reply to David S. Wallens :
They haven't shipped yet. Estimated ship time is the first week of December. So nobody will have one for Thanksgiving :(
If you guys are looking for something you can go buy right now, there's also this thing: Atari Gamestation Pro
This is even more of an "emulation box" than the Atari 2600+. It plays multiple games that are built-in, and I think you can side-load game ROMs via Micro SD card. There are people over at AtariAge messing with it to make tweaks to the ROM list and firmware, but at $100, I'd rather spend a little more and get the ability to play carts. But YMMV here. It's definitely a step up from the AtGames Atari Flashback devices.
In reply to David S. Wallens :
I mean, if you're seriously about an Atari and want a loaner for a bit... and feel like hitting i4 in the next 48 hours, I can put you up on game(s).....red button and all.
In reply to David S. Wallens :
Totally understand! CX-40 or nothin'!
(I totally use a Sega Genesis controller though)
Mndsm said:In reply to David S. Wallens :
I mean, if you're seriously about an Atari and want a loaner for a bit... and feel like hitting i4 in the next 48 hours, I can put you up on game(s).....red button and all.
Thank you for the offer, but I think we’ll be busy enough for Thanksgiving. Next year!
Circling back to this, did anyone buy it? How is it? Best thing ever?
I saw Lego and Minecraft versions of this in Target the other day. You can customize the little area by the cartridge slot.
If people haven't bought it yet, you might want to wait for this:
The Atari 7800+!
It plays BOTH 2600 and 7800 games (the 2600+ did too), and it has a wireless controller. Same price, too. It's still technically emulation (the carts copy the ROM to the console to play them) but it's cool that they are making this. Ships "Winter 2024".
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