I prefer to make it with milk, and my wife prefers to make it with water.
Her reasoning? It's easier to drink.
I sort of get where she's coming from since the milk can sometimes make the hot chocolate thick.
What about you?
Milk. If you're using a pre-packaged brand, I know they put milk powder in them, but milk makes it creamier.
With water, they are still, well, watery.
Milk, because my hot chocolate doesn't come with milk powder in it. The stuff that does is for camping.
Milk or coffee.
Last Quetico trip I went on, the person who bought all of the provisions was not a coffee drinker and got some cheap instant coffee. Instant coffee, or at least cheap instant coffee, is awful. Instant coffee + hot chocolate packet is wonderful.
Milk and a little cinnamon.
Water is for the kettle of free "hot chocolate" at the overpriced Christmas tree shop.
Milk for me.
But I'm gonna be that guy, and say that I make mine the old fashioned way; with cocoa powder and melting chocolate on the stovetop.
It's only a few extra minutes of effort, and it's way better.
Whole milk. And yeah the cocoa powder and melted chocolate type is much better. In fact I just got done drinking one that was so thick and decadent it was like drinking a chocolate bar. I watered it down with half and half.
wae said:Always whole milk.
Which is weird because I absolutely hate milk.
I'm not big on milk, unless it's chocolate milk. And that is like crack I end up chugging it like it's my job then I'm disappointed when it's gone.
In reply to Puddy46 :
Yeah, Ghirardelli sweetened cocoa powder for us. As much as the milk will hold in suspension, plus a teaspoon or so of cinnamon.
No cinnamon here. Abuelita granulated mix (the one with no milk powder) in milk with a bit of cayenne for excitement.
In reply to Colin Wood :
Have you noticed other signs of problems in your marriage? I think her issues will take a lot counseling but if she's willing to work hard she might succeed.
Water, always. If I want hot chocolate milk, I'll just buy chocolate milk from the store and microwave it.
I had never thought to try coffee before so I just gave that a try. Swiss Miss instant packet into an 8oz cup of coffee. I found that it was a little too watery so I put a little bit of heavy whipping cream in it. Acceptable, but I still prefer milk.
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